2017 General Plan Clean-Up
Project Manager: Josh Menvielle (joshua.menvielle@sdcounty.ca.gov), Telephone: (858) 495-5451
Mailing Address: Planning & Development Services, 5510 Overland Avenue, Suite 310, San Diego, CA 92123.
Board of Supervisors Hearing:
The 2017 General Plan Clean-Up General Plan Amendment and Rezone (GPA 16-001; REZ 16-001) has been scheduled for a Board of Supervisors hearing on November 15, 2017, 9:00am, at the County Administration Center (CAC), Room 310, 1600 Pacific Highway in San Diego. A link to the hearing agenda is provided below.
The General Plan Clean-Up is intended to provide a regular mechanism for making changes to the General Plan to allow for corrections discovered during the General Plan's implementation or to reflect changing circumstances. This is second General Plan Clean-Up processed since the adoption of the General Plan in 2011. The types of changes included in the project fall into the following categories: Land Use Map & zoning, General Plan text revisions, Implementation Plan, Mobility Element Network.
2017-11-15 Board Letter
Attachment A - PC Recommended
Attachment A1 - Staff Recommended
Attachment B - Zoning Form Ordinance - 2017 GP
Clean-Up - PC Recommended
Attachment B1 - Zoning Form of Ordinance - 2017 GP
Clean-Up - Staff Recommended
Attachment C - Staff Recommendations
Attachment C-1 - Analysis of Proposed Land Use Map
Zoning Changes
Attachment D - Correspondence
Attachment D - Correspondence Narrative
Attachment E - Lakeside Proposed Community Trails
and Pathways Map
Attachment F - Environmental Findings and
Attachment G - PC Staff Report
Planning Commission Hearing:
The 2017 General Plan Clean-Up General Plan Amendment and
Rezone (16-001; REZ 16-001) has been scheduled for a Planning
Commission hearing on October 6th, 2017, 9:00 a.m. at the
COC Campus Center Chambers, 5520 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123.
The General Plan Clean-Up is a County initiated General Plan Amendment and is intended to provide a regular mechanism for making changes to the General Plan to allow for corrections discovered during the General Plan’s implementation or to reflect changing circumstances. This is third General Plan Clean-Up processed since the adoption of the General Plan in 2011. The 2017 General Plan Clean-Up includes changes in the following categories: Land Use Map & Zoning, Implementation Plan, and Mobility Element Network. An electronic copy of the Planning Commission Report is below:
2017-10-06 GP Clean-Up Staff Report
Attachment A - BOS Resolution - GPA 16-001
Attachment B - Zoning Form of Ordinance - 2017 GP
Attachment C - Staff Recommendations
Attachment C-1 - Analysis of Proposed Land Use Map
Zoning Changes
Attachment D - Environmental Findings and
Attachment E - Correspondence
A comprehensive update of the County General Plan was adopted in 2011. The General Plan provides a framework for land use and development decisions consistent with an established community vision and is based on a set of guiding principles designed to protect the County’s unique and diverse natural resources and maintain the character of its rural and semi-rural communities.
The General Plan Update was a comprehensive, complex, and large update in both scope and scale. As such, staff and the Board of Supervisors anticipated that unforeseen inconsistencies and mapping errors, along with changed circumstances, would emerge during plan implementation that would require changes. Efficiencies can be achieved by grouping the changes and processing them in a batch. By adopting a formal approach to such a review, certainties and assurances can also be achieved in the process. Therefore, at the time of the adoption of the General Plan Update, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to bring forward a General Plan ‘clean-up’ every two years in the form of a General Plan Amendment.