Green Business Project

The goal of the San Diego Area Green Business Project is to encourage "green" practices among businesses in the region by offering tools to implement more efficient and sustainable business operations.
Why Be Green?
- Reduces waste and utility costs
- Improves systems and equipment performance
- Attracts environmentally conscious customers
- Provides a safer working environment
What is a Green Business?
A Green Business complies with environmental regulations and takes voluntary steps beyond compliance in the areas of:
- Pollution Prevention
- Energy Conservation
- Water Conservation
- Solid Waste Reduction
Tools & Resources
Assessment checklists are available for the following business sectors:
Watch these Videos to see how to Green your Business
Energy Conservation
California Center for Sustainable Energy:
(858) 244-1177 -
San Diego Gas &
Electric / Sempra Energy:
(800) 644-6133
California Center for Sustainable Energy:
Water Conservation
San Diego County Water
(858) 522-6600
San Diego County Water
Solid Waste Reduction/Recycling
California Department of Resources Recycling and
(916) 341-6363
Business Waste Recuction/Recycling -
County of San
Diego, Dept. of Public Works
Recycling (Unincorporated Areas)
California Department of Resources Recycling and
Pollution Prevention
Best Management Practices -
San Diego Regional
Stormwater Hotline:
(888) 846-0800 -
Western Sustainability & Pollution
Prevention Network (WSPPN)
Best Management Practices
Training Opportunities
- SDG&E Food Service and other Business Seminars
- California Center for Sustainable Energy – Energy Training
- Solana Center for Environmental Innovation - Provides environmental education and workshops for residents and businesses on topics such as composting and use of re-refined motor oil.