Forest Conservation Initiative Lands (FCI) General Plan Amendment

For additional information on the project, please call the project phone line at (858) 505-6677 or email

On December 8, 2010 the Board of Supervisors directed staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment for the Forest Conservation Initiative lands consistent with the adopted General Plan land use designations. The FCI was a voter-approved initiative which required that private lands within the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego County have a minimum lot size of 40 acres. The FCI was originally approved in 1993 and expired on December 31, 2010. The land use map changes adopted as part of the General Plan Update did not include FCI lands. When the FCI expired, the areas affected by the FCI reverted to the land use designations in effect before the FCI was enacted. As a result, the General Plan Update land use designations, Guiding Principles and Policies are not consistent with those currently applied to the former FCI lands.
Primary components of the Project at this time include:
- Land Use Map Revisions for approximately:
- 71,300 acres of private-owned lands that were subject to the former Forest Conservation Initiative (FCI) within the Alpine, Central Mountain, Desert, Jamul/Dulzura, Julian, Mountain Empire, North Mountain, Pendleton-DeLuz, and Ramona planning areas; and
- 400 acres of adjacent properties
- Amendments to the Alpine, Central Mountain, Jamul/Dulzura, and
North Mountain Community Plans
- Zoning
changes, when applicable, to ensure zoning consistency of the land
use designations changes
- Removal of the FCI Appendix to the General Plan