County Conservation

The County of San Diego implements several programs which contribute to the conservation of biological and environmental resources in the unincorporated County. Our commitment to the preservation of San Diego's natural resources benefits the environment, our economy, and the communities that we live in.


Conservation Accomplishments


The Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) preserves San Diego's native habitats and wildlife for future generations. It works across political boundaries, providing a unique framework that balances region-wide conservation efforts with streamlined building regulations and permit processes to support healthy community growth. The MSCP ensures compliance with the Federal Endangered Species Act, State Endangered Species Act, and State Natural Communities Conservation Planning Act.

The overall effect of the MSCP is that it provides for large, connected preserve areas that address a number of species needs at the habitat level rather than species-by-species or area-by-area. This creates a more efficient and effective preserve system that better protects rare, threatened, and endangered species in the region.

Click on each icon to learn more about the County's Plan Areas.


