Understanding the County of San Diego Budget

A two-year plan showing how funds will be used for the first year and recommendations for the second year. It covers the fiscal year from July 1 to June 30. The 2025-27 Recommended Budget will be released May 1.

County Map

green box

Unincorporated Area

grey box

18 Incorporated Cities

What the County Does

The County of San Diego has a large unincorporated area in addition to 18 incorporated cities and 18 federally recognized tribes.

In the unincorporated area, County government is responsible for the day-to-day things a city government would do, like law enforcement, roads, building permits, animal shelters and protection, along with parks and libraries. Some cities also contract with the County to provide services.

County government provides many services that support the entire county to keep people safe and healthy. These include emergency preparedness; criminal prosecution and detention facilities; social service assistance, like access to food and housing for vulnerable people that is often funded by the federal and state government; health programs including behavioral health services; food and restaurant inspections; elections and beach water monitoring.

Explore more about what the County does in these videos.

How the Budget Is Shaped

The County’s budget is a two-year plan showing how funds will be used in the first year and making recommendations on spending for the second year. It is large and complex, funding hundreds of services and programs to support health, safety and quality of life. We are guided by our strategic plan and consider many important factors:

  • County areas of responsibility – things that are required by the federal and state governments and the services we provide in the unincorporated area
  • Board of Supervisors direction
  • Needs identified by the community input
  • Data – things like research and statistics to see what’s working and what can be improved and streamlined
  • Resource availability

Watch a short video to learn more about how the budget is shaped.

In English

En Español

How To Get Involved

Community engagement is at the heart of our operations. We gather input year-round to inform County programs, services, policies and funding.

Learn more about the process and how to get involved!

In English

En Español

2025 Important Dates and Public Meetings: Click on the dates below for more details.

Watch Board of Supervisors meetings.

This is the current budget year that ends on June 30, 2025.

2024-25 Budget Information: Click on the 2024-25 text below for more details.


$8.53 Billion

Adopted Operational Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25

Explore the various budgeted revenues adopted by the Board of Supervisors. This includes revenues from taxes, fees and other charges for services.


$8.53 Billion

Adopted Operational Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25

Explore the various budgeted expenditures adopted by the Board of Supervisors. This includes expenditures in public safety, health, land use and finance & general government.

Past Years Budget Documents

A comprehensive overview of the CAO's recommended financial plan for the County's operations for the next two fiscal years.

Proposed changes to the CAO Recommended Operational Plan submitted by the CAO and/or members of the Board of Supervisors. The CAO Change Letter updates the Recommended Operational Plan with information that becomes available after the latter document is published.

The Board of Supervisors' two-year financial plan that allocates resources to specific programs and services that support the County's long-term goals; it includes the adopted budget for the first year and a tentative budget that is approved in principle for the second year.