Department of Human Resources Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Division 

Our Department of Human Resources established a division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in 2020, which focuses its efforts on the County as an employer, to collaborate and support a culture of inclusion for the nearly 20,000 County employees.  

EDI leads the County’s Diversity and Inclusion Champions in creating a culture of belonging throughout our organization.  EDI’s most recent achievements include:

  • Creating Equitable and Inclusive Interview Panel Guidelines and training the HR community to ensure we are doing everything we can to minimize implicit bias
  • Leading the County’s efforts to opening more doors to workers who are neurodivergent, including Autism; and 
  • Managing the Jay’s Program internships, providing interns with neurologic and developmental disabilities meaningful work experience to prepare them for employment opportunities.  

In addition, EDI facilitates opportunities for our County employees to have their voices heard on specific issues or topics, creates and distributes a quarterly newsletter, communicating about various D&I topics throughout the organization and prepares the County’s annual D&I report.