A growing body of research demonstrated that trauma has major impacts on a community’s overall wellbeing, is widely prevalent, and is associated with poor individual outcomes. The Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) integrated trauma-informed-principles into its policies, practices, environments, and services to improve the health and wellness of the community and staff. To build on HHSA’s capacity for trauma-informed approaches the Trauma Informed System Integration team (TISI) was formed in 2014. Since 2014, TISI has influenced internal and external stakeholders and continues to expand their reach.
In 2022, TISI presented to the D&I Executive Council to integrate trauma informed approaches into the County’s efforts in equity, diversity, and inclusion. Although, trauma may happen to anyone, it is experienced differently among populations that have faced generational trauma worsened by systemic bias and racism. Promoting equity through trauma- informed- approaches necessitates acknowledging the systems that have led to trauma and exploring ways to address fundamental systems change. Being trauma informed means we can engage each person from their unique perspective, and this enhances and solidifies our work in equity, diversity, and inclusion.
The following selected highlights are a result of TISI’s continued outreach and collaborative efforts to train, support, and increase awareness of trauma-informed approaches throughout the County.
Key Accomplishments for fiscal year 21-22:
(TISI officially expanded beyond HHSA in January of 2021, when facilitation of the committee was coordinated between Probation and HHSA. By July of 2021, the TISI Committee included Parks and Recreation, Human Resources, County Contracts, and Fiscal staff.)
Next Steps:
Fiscal year 2021-2022 was a productive year for trauma informed efforts across the County. With continued investment in strengthening our trauma informed system, TISI plans to build on existing efforts and leveraging relationships with our community partners to further establish a trauma informed culture.
Highlights for this include: