Check for Unclaimed Money | San Diego County Auditor and Controller

The County of San Diego Auditor and Controller has unclaimed money from people and organizations that do business with or get services from the County. Unclaimed monies are checks still not cashed for more than six months.
We have a duty to give the money to the right person or organization. If we have your money, you must provide documentation to prove your claim. You can claim your money from the County without any service charges or fees.
Check these Lists for Unclaimed Money:
- Unclaimed Monies Listing A-C
- Unclaimed Monies Listing D-G
- Unclaimed Monies Listing H-M
- Unclaimed Monies Listing N-R
- Unclaimed Monies Listing S-Z
If you determine that the County may have funds belonging to you or your business, print the Request for Unclaimed Monies Form and follow the Filing Instructions provided below.
Filing Instructions:
To process your claim, you will need the following:
- Warrant/Check No
- Amount
- Payee Full Name/Business Name
- Social Security No./Taxpayor I.D.
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- Daytime Phone
- Claimant or Authorized Agent Signature
- Date
- Address of Residence previous 3 years
If you file a claim for a check with more than one name, each person must sign the form and submit documentation.
Signature must be notarized if your claim is over $500.00.
Submit the following documentation with your claim:
- A copy of current photo identification for each person.
- Verification of address, if mailing address if different from original mailing address or photo identification.
- Copy of current photo identification for the authorized agent signing the form.
- Letter of Authorization on company letterhead with the names of officers or officials with authority to sign and claim on behalf of the business.
- If your company merged with another company, a copy of the merger agreement.
- If your company was dissolved, a copy of the articles of dissolution.
Heir or Asset Finders
- A notarized Power of Attorney signed by the same person who signed the Claim(s).
- In addition, a copy of the agreement between the Asset Finder and claimant is required.
Mail the completed claim form and documents to the following address:
County of San Diego
Auditor and Controller
Overland Ave, Fourth Floor
San Diego, CA 92123
When we get your claim form, we review it. If we need more evidence or find we already paid you, we may contact you or return all documents submitted, with a letter stating why the claim is incomplete or being denied. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for us to process.
For more information, please contact our office at 858-694-2053.
DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided to you as a matter of convenience and speaks as of the end of the last period to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the County of San Diego since then, the County of San Diego has not undertaken to update the financial statements, or such other documents.
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