Board of Supervisors Meeting Information
The Board of Supervisors meetings are held at the County
Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 310, San Diego, CA
92101. A regular meeting of the Board is held at 9 a.m., beginning on
Tuesday. Each meeting has two sessions. The Tuesday session is called
the General Legislative Session. The Wednesday session is called the
Land Use Legislative Session and generally deals with planning and
land use matters. View the Board
meeting calendar for scheduled meetings. Any exceptions to the
location or start time of the meeting will be shown on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda.
Agendas and records are available in alternative formats upon
request. Contact the Clerk’s office at (619) 531-5434 (voice) or
(619) 531-4803 (TTY) with questions or to request a
disability-related accommodation. Assistive Listening Devices
(ALD’s) are available from the Clerk of the Board in Room 402 prior to
the meeting and are to be returned at the end of the meeting.
Individuals requiring sign language interpreters should contact the
Countywide ADA Title II Coordinator at (619) 531-4908. To the
extent reasonably possible, requests for accommodation or assistance
should be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting so
that arrangements may be made. An area in the front of the chamber is
designated for individuals requiring the use of wheelchair or other
accessible devices.
Spanish language translation services for public speakers are
available at Board of Supervisors meetings. Additional languages
identified as languages with a Substantial Number of Limited
English-Speaking Persons in the County (currently defined as Arabic,
Chinese (Mandarin), Korean, Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari), Somali,
Spanish, Tagalog (incl. Filipino), and Vietnamese) may be made
available upon request to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at
least 72 hours prior to the meeting (refer to Board
Policy A-139 for additional information). Please contact the
Clerk’s office at (619) 531-5434 or via e-mail at
Whenever possible, audience
members accompanied by young children will be offered seats in the
observation balcony or one of the other rooms to view the proceeding
and to avoid distractions during the meeting. Individual and
organizations planning for groups to attend Board meetings, or having
special needs such as utilizing an interpreter to translate the
proceedings, are requested to call the Clerk of the Board office at
(619) 531-5434 in advance of the meeting to arrange for balcony
seating or additional rooms.
Out of respect for the proceedings and in consideration of
others, all cell phones, tablets, or other noise-emitting devices
should be turned off or silenced prior to entering the Chamber. Aisles
and doorways must remain clear and room capacity limits will be
enforced to ensure compliance with fire code and safety regulations.
Placards, banners, signs, flags, or other large objects are not
permitted in the Chamber.
The meetings of the Board of
Supervisors are televised live, starting at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday and
9:00 a.m. on Wednesday. They are also replayed on cable television at
9:00 p.m. the evening of the meeting and on Saturday (Tuesday meetings
replay 1:00 p.m. and Wednesday meetings replay at 9:00 p.m.). Please
tune into the following channels: Cox Ch. 24 (South) or Ch. 19
(North); Spectrum Ch. 24 or Ch. 85. Currently, the County News Center
is not available on AT&T U-Verse Ch. 99. Live streaming of the
proceedings is available online.
Many County records can be
accessed online. The Clerk of the Board provides legislative documents
online, including Board Agendas, Minutes, County Charter, Code of
Regulatory Ordinances, Administrative Code, and Board Policies. Also
available online is information on Boards/Commissions/Committees,
Board meeting videos and audio recordings, a history of the County
Administration Center, and information on volunteer opportunities.
Please visit the Clerk
of the Board's Record Information page for more
Please refer to Rule 4 of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Procedure regarding rules for public participation at Board of Supervisors meetings. Below is a summary of the rules:
Any person
wishing to speak to the Board on a specific agenda item must file with
the Clerk a written Request to Speak form prior to the scheduled
opening time of the session or prior to the time that public comment
begins on the item if the item has not been adopted without
discussion. No person may yield speaking time to another person. Any
person who does not wish to speak to the Board but wishes to have the
record reflect a position in favor or in opposition to an agenda item
may do so by indicating the same on the Request to Speak form. If an
agenda item is set for a specific time, a written Request to Speak
form must be filed prior to the time that public comment begins on the item.
Due to the need to facilitate public comment at the meeting,
submission of unintelligible, profane, deceptive, confusing or other
information on Request to Speak forms that may interfere with the
orderly processing of speakers may preclude a member of the public
from speaking during that particular public comment period. Speakers
may not yield their time to another person. Time allotted to each
speaker is determined by the Chair, and in general is limited to two
(2) minutes.
- Public Comment Time: Up to 20 minutes at the start of General Legislative and Land Use Legislative sessions is allocated for public comments on topics within the Board's jurisdiction that are not on the agenda.
- Speaker Time Limit: Each speaker is allowed up to 2 minutes, subject to reduction by the Chairperson if necessary to maintain the meeting's schedule.
- Request to Speak: Speakers must submit a written "Non-Agenda Public Communication Request to Speak" form to the Clerk before the public comment session begins. Speakers can only participate in one non-agenda public comment session per meeting.
Speaking Order: If more than 10 individuals request to speak
(5 in person, 5 by phone), the first 10 are heard at the session's
start, with the rest heard at the session's end.
- The Chairperson may allow additional speakers at the start.
- Late submissions are not accepted.
- Referral of Issues: Issues raised during public comments are referred to the Chief Administrative Officer; the Board takes no immediate action.
Non-Land Use or Non-Adjudicatory Matters:
- Group presentations are not allowed unless the Chairperson
makes an exception for a specific meeting or item.
- Group presentations are not allowed unless the Chairperson
makes an exception for a specific meeting or item.
Land Use or Adjudicatory Matters:
- Applicants or appellants may give a group presentation if it includes three or more people.
- The group gets up to 10 minutes
total, with each person speaking for no more than 4
Who Are Applicants and Appellants?:
- Applicants: Individuals or entities submitting formal requests for development projects, permits, or construction.
- Appellants: Individuals appealing a County decision, bringing the appeal to the Board for review.
For more details, refer to Rule 4(a)(3) of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Procedure.
Using Your Own Device:
- Bring your own computer
or tablet and any necessary equipment to connect to the podium's
HDMI input.
- Bring your own computer
or tablet and any necessary equipment to connect to the podium's
HDMI input.
Submitting a Presentation in Advance:
- If you cannot bring a device, submit your presentation to the Clerk of the Board by 2 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting to avoid technical issues.
- Email your presentation file to and include the presenter’s name and the agenda item number.
Same-day submissions are not accepted.
Printed Copies:
- Bring 10 printed copies of your presentation on the meeting day.
- Clearly label
all copies with the presenter’s name and agenda number.
Official Record:
- Materials submitted during the meeting will become part of the official record.
SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Non-debatable items such as proclamations or adjournments in memory.
CONSENT AGENDA: All agenda items listed under this section are considered to be routine and will be acted upon with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board of Supervisors or the Chief Administrative Officer so requests, in which event, the item will be considered separately in its normal sequence. Approval for such items shall be the recommendation of the Chief Administrative Officer, or, in the event the item has been filed by a Member of the Board, the recommendation of the Member of the Board.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: These are matters which are designated as Policy/Discussion items, or have been pulled (requested to be discussed) by the Board members.
ORDINANCE: Ordinances are laws adopted by the Board, and usually amend, repeal, or supplement the County Code, Administrative Code, Compensation Ordinance, or Zoning Ordinance; provide zoning specifications; or appropriate money for specific purposes. Most ordinances require two hearings: an introduction, followed at the next regular meeting by the adoption. Ordinances generally become effective 30 days after adoption, unless they are of an urgency nature.
RESOLUTION: Formal expressions of opinion or intention of the Board of Supervisors.
OFF-DOCKET ITEM: An item of emergency or time-sensitive nature that arose after posting of the agenda. The Board may take actions only after a majority vote confirming that an emergency exists, or in the case of a non-emergency matter, a two-thirds vote that the need to act arose after posting of the agenda.