Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700)

The Clerk of the Board is the filing agent for many agencies across the County. The Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) is a document that public officials, candidates for public office, and certain government employees in California are required to file. The form is used to disclose financial interests and avoid potential conflicts of interest in public service.

The deadline for submitting the 2024/2025 Annual Form 700 is April 1, 2025.  Please note that our office will be closed on March 31, 2025 in observance of Cesar Chavez Day, which is a County holiday.

Below is information about filing a Statement of Economic Interest or Form 700:

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  • What Must Be Filed?

    Each designated employee ("Code Filer") must complete a Form 700, under the following circumstances:  

    • Assuming Office 
    • Annual Filing
    • Leaving Office


    The annual form covers January 1 through December 31 of the previous calendar year unless otherwise noted.


  • When Must Form 700 Be Filed?

    The deadline for submitting the 2024/2025 Annual Form 700 is April 1, 2025.  Please note that our office will be closed on March 31, 2025 in observance of Cesar Chavez Day, which is a County holiday.

    Specified Officials must file their Form 700 with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Forms for all other staff must be date-stamped and maintained by the department or agency. 

    • Assuming Office: within 30 days of the assumed office date
    • Annual: Due by April 1 of each year. 

    Exception: if you assumed office between October 1 and December 31, the Assuming Office Form 700 will act as both Assuming Office and Annual combined. 

    • Leaving Office:  within 30 days of the leaving office date


    Form 700s submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors are available for public review upon request at a cost of 10¢ (cents) per page, with the retrieval fee not to exceed $5 per request. You may want to take this into consideration when you are listing your address and telephone numbers.  

    Remember to file on time - Any person who is referred to the Fair Political Practices Commission's (FPPC) Enforcement Division for not filing is subject to a late fine of $10 per day per position up to $100 for each day the statement is late.


  • Where Must Form 700 Be Filed?

    If you are required to file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, your Form 700 must be filed electronically using eFile-SDCounty.

    eFile-SDCounty is user-friendly and makes it easier for filers to comply with reporting requirements. This online program is secure and password-protected. 

    Forms for all other filers whose filings are not retained by the Clerk of the Board must be submitted by hard copy to their respective department or agency to be maintained.

    For access to eFile-SDCounty or for further information, please contact the Clerk of the Board staff via email at or call us at (619) 531-5601.


  • Why File Form 700?

    The Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000-91015) requires most state and local government officials and employees to publicly disclose their personal assets and income.  They must also disqualify themselves from participating in decisions that may affect their personal financial interests. 

    The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) is the State agency responsible for issuing the Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700), and for interpreting the law's provisions.


  • Who Files Form 700?

    This is determined by State law and local regulations: government Code Section 87200 and an agency's Conflict of Interest Code.

    Effective January 1, 2025, as a result of changes introduced by AB 1170, the following County Elected and Appointed Officers, identified in California Government Code Section 87200, will be required to electronically file their Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) directly with Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC):

    • Board of Supervisors : Joel Anderson; Terra Lawson-Remer; Monica Montgomery Steppe; Jim Desmond 
    • Chief Administrative Officer : Ebony Shelton
    • County Counsel : Claudia Silva
    • District Attorney : Summer Stephan
    • Planning Commissioners : Ronald Ashman; Yolanda Calvo; Michael Edwards; David Pallinger; Molly Weber
    • Treasurer/Tax Collector : Dan McAllister

    Each department or agency has a  Conflict of Interest Code that designates which employees must file a Form 700 ("Code Filers") and includes information regarding disclosure categories. Disclosure categories set out the type of financial interests that must be reported by each official. 

    For assistance completing a Form 700 and/or determining your disclosure requirements, please contact your agency's legal counsel or the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Advice Hotline at (866) 275-3772.


  • How do I obtain copies of Form 700s?

    The Form 700 is a public document.  Copies of Form 700's are maintained by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and can be accessed through the eFile-SDCounty public portal. They may also be obtained by visiting the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at:

    • County Administration Center: 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 402, San Diego, California 92101

    Form 700s for some state and local government agency elected officers may be available in electronic format on the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) website or by contacting the department or agency directly.

    This notice is posted in accordance with California Government Code Section 87505.


  • Who Can Help Me?

    I have questions about what to report on my Form 700:


    I have questions about how to submit Form 700, how to e-file, and how to update a filer or contact information are directed to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors:





  • Additional Information

    Q: I am an Agency Official Contact.  How can I use the eFile-SDCounty system?

    A: To access the eFile-SDCounty system, you will need a login.  If you are registered but do not remember your password, click the "Forgot password” button.  If you are not registered, you can call the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at (619) 531-5601 or email to be added as either a primary or secondary contact. Once your login credentials are set up, visit the eFile-SDCounty website at  Tutorials are also available on the Clerk of the Board’s website.


    Q: Do all my filers use the County of San Diego's electronic filing system, eFile-SDCounty?

    A: No. The system will only be used by filers whose statements are forwarded to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors under the conflict-of-interest code. Statements from all other filers will be processed at your agency.


    Q: What happens once my filer’s information has been updated to eFile-SDCounty?

    A:  Once the filer’s information is updated, they will receive an e-mail that provides a login ID and password to file their Form 700. If you have added new filers or have filers who left since the last update, the system will generate e-mails to those filers, notifying them to complete their assuming or leaving office statement once their assuming or leaving office dates have been entered into the system.


    Q:  If a filer holds various positions for which the Form 700 is required, is a statement required for each position?

    A:  Yes. However, one expanded statement covering the disclosure requirements for all positions may be completed on eFile-SDCounty, provided the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is the filing officer.

    Note: Effective January 1, 2025, due to changes introduced by AB 1170, the County Elected and Appointed Officers, identified in California Government Code Section 87200, are required to electronically file their Form 700 directly with the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The 87200 filers for the County include the Board of Supervisors, Chief Administrative Officer, County Counsel, District Attorney, Planning Commissioners, and Treasurer/Tax Collector.


    Q: How do I know what to report on my Form 700?

    A:  To determine what to report on your Form 700, you must obtain your "disclosure category". A disclosure category is a description of the types of financial interests you must disclose on your Form 700 based on your job classification or position. Each agency defines its own disclosure categories for each position based on the type and scope of work performed. To obtain a copy of your disclosure category, check with a supervisor or other designated staff in your agency's legal or personnel department. For any questions about Form 700 reporting, contact the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) at


    Q: Does a board member who has been reappointed, or an employee who moved from one designated position to another designated position within our agency, have to file a leaving office and an assuming office Form 700?

    A:  No. If there was no break in service of 30 days or more, the person will continue to file annual statements. However, if a filer moves from one designated position to another, their eFile-SDCounty account must reflect the change. The agency filing officials have the ability to login to eFile-SDCounty and make such changes or contact our office at for assistance.


    Q: What if an individual is hired for a position not yet covered under an agency’s conflict of interest code?

    A:  An individual hired for a position not yet covered under an agency’s conflict of interest code must file Form 700 if the individual serves in a position that makes or participates in making governmental decisions. These individuals must file under the broadest disclosure category until the code is amended to include the new position unless the agency has provided in writing a limited disclosure requirement. These filings will be maintained within your agency.



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