Building Forms and Handouts




This section provides information on many of the fees associated with obtaining building permits.  Every permit is different, so please review the information linked here and the handouts and forms linked from this page to determine which fees might apply.  Fee ordinance updates approved by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors effective September 15, 2013.


Building Plan Check and Permit Fee Estimator Spreadsheet

A full list of building permit fees is available in the Building Fee Schedule.


Parks Department Fees for Dwelling Permits

Park Fee Information



Transportation Impact and Drainage Fees Information

TIF and Drainage Fee Calculator


Additional Information

Use the Agency Contacts List for questions about fees charged by outside agencies.

The $60 screening fee charged by the Land Development counter is applicable for most permit types.


Minimum Construction Specification and Plot Plan Templates:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Minimum Construction Specifications Solar PV 01/23 PDS #081s
Minimum Construction Specifications PDF Format 01/23 PDS #081
Plot Plan Cover (not for grading)  PDF Format 01/23 PDS #040
Plot Plan Cover (not for grading)  AutoCAD 01/23 PDS #040
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet PDF Format 01/23 GRDPDS
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet AutoCAD 01/23 GRDPDS

Residential Dwelling Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Form Number
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater(file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Optional Pre-Intake Assistance Conference
06/23 PDS #001
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD Users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs and Impervious Area 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #404c
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #404e
Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet 03/16 PDS #405
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #406c
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #406e
Landscape Certificate of Completion Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 03/16 PDS #407A
Landscape Certificate of Completion 03/16 PDS #407
Water Use Application Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 02/16 PDS #410
Bldg Energy Efficiency Standards: Low-Rise Residential 01/17 PDS #409
Owner-Builder Information 05/20 PDS #421
How to Obtain a Building Permit Summary 10/13 PDS #441a
Checklist for Residential Construction 01/23 PDS #498
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Minimum Essential Items for Plans 01/23 PDS #658
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Sample Conditions of Approval 07/20
PDS #712
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Agency Contacts List 04/19 PDS #804    

Residential Addition Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Optional Pre-Intake Assistance Conference
PDS #001
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs and Impervious Area 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Bldg Energy Efficiency Standards: Low-Rise Residential 01/17 PDS #409
Owner-Builder Information 05/20 PDS #421
How to Obtain a Building Permit Summary 10/13 PDS #441a
Checklist for Residential Construction 01/23 PDS #498
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24
PDS #613
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Sample Conditions of Approval 07/20
PDS #712
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Agency Contacts List 04/19 PDS #804

Residential Remodel Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Optional Pre-Intake Assistance Conference
PDS #001
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Owner-Builder Information 05/20 PDS #421
How to Obtain a Building Permit Summary 10/13 PDS #441a
Checklist for Residential Construction 01/23 PDS #498
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24
PDS #613
Minimum Essential Items for Plans 01/23 PDS #658
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Sample Conditions of Approval 07/20
PDS #712

Manufactured Home on Private Lot Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Mobile Home on a Private Lot - Requirements 09/12 PDS #103
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs and Impervious Area 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #404c
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #404e
Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet 03/16 PDS #405
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #406c
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #406e
Landscape Certificate of Completion Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 03/16 PDS #407A
Landscape Certificate of Completion 03/16 PDS #407
Water Use Application Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 02/16 PDS #410
Owner-Builder Information 05/20 PDS #421
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24
PDS #613
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Sample Conditions of Approval 07/20
PDS #712
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

Manufactured Home and Accessory Structures in Parks Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Mobile Home Park Construction Application (Interactive) 09/24 PDS #292
MHP Plot Plan for Accessory 01/24 PDS #036
MH Installation Information 01/17 PDS #055a
Requirements for Placing a Manufactured Home in a Mobile Home Park 12/18 PDS #054
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

PDS Minor Grading (pursuant to 87.206-b) Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Grading Permit Application (Interactive) 01/25 PDS #352
Low Impact Development Handbook 02/16 LID HANDBOOK
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Minor (PDS) Grading Plan Checklist 06/17 PDS #009
Minor Grading Certification Form 08/20 PDS #073
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Minor Grading Plan Intake Minimum Requirements 02/17 PDS #173
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs and Impervious Area 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Right of Entry 08/21
PDS #620
Environmental Review Questionnaire 08/21 PDS #646
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet PDF Format
01/23 GRDPDS
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet AutoCAD 01/23 GRDPDS

The grading plan template available above is the most current and only valid version.  Grading plans will not be accepted at the PDS Building counters unless drawn on this version of the unmodified template. Out-of-date or modified grading templates cannot be accepted at the Building counters.  Please contact the County Building Division at 858-565-5920 for more information.

Tract Processing Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 06/17 BMP MAINTENANCE
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Tract Submittal Worksheet (print on 11x17 paper) 10/20 PDS #194
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Building Permit & Right-of-Way Permit Subcontractor Disclosure Guidance 02/23 PDS #295
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Tract Submittal Requirements 02/25 PDS #649
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

Commercial Tenant Improvements Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21 PDS #293
Guards and Handrails 01/23 PDS #075
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Hazardous Materials Questionnaire - DEH:HM-9171
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Building Permit & Right-of-Way Permit Subcontractor Disclosure Guidance 02/23 PDS #295
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
State Disability Access Notice for Commercial Building Applicants 11/21 Access Notice

New Commercial Shell Structure Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21 PDS #293
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Optional Pre-Intake Assistance Conference
PDS #001
Guards and Handrails 01/23 PDS #075
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Valuation Multiplier 06/17 PDS #169
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 09/12 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Building Permit & Right-of-Way Permit Subcontractor Disclosure Guidance 02/23 PDS #295
Checklist for Commercial Buildings 07/18 PDS #492
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24
PDS #613
Hazardous Materials Questionnaire - DEH:HM-9171
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
State Disability Access Notice for Commercial Building Applicants 11/21 Access Notice

Commercial Sign Permit Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613

Accessibility Requirements for Multifamily Housing:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Code Applicability, Site Accessibility, Exterior Routes of Travel 01/17   PDS #625A
Parking Facilities 07/18  PDS #626A
Curb Ramps 01/17  PDS #627A
Ramps 01/17  PDS #628A
Entrances, Exits, and Interior Routes of Travel 01/17  PDS #629A
Doors and Gates 01/17  PDS #630A
Stairways 01/17  PDS #631A
Elevators and Platform Lifts 01/17  PDS #632A
Common-Use Toilet Facilities 01/17  PDS #633A
Common-Use Shower and Bathing Facilities 01/17  PDS #634A
Drinking Fountains 07/18  PDS #635A
Public Telephones 01/17  PDS #636A
Alarms 01/17  PDS #637A
Common-Use Amenities 01/17  PDS #638A
Dwelling Units 01/17  PDS #639A

Accessibility Requirements for Public Accommodations & Commercial Buildings:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Site Accessibility and Exterior Routes of Travel  07/18
 PDS #625B
Parking and Passenger Loading Zones  07/18  PDS #626B
Curb Ramps  07/18  PDS #627B
Ramps  01/17  PDS #628B
Entrances, Exits, and Interior Routes of Travel  01/17  PDS #629B
Doors and Gates  01/17  PDS #630B
Stairways  01/17  PDS #631B
Elevators and Platform Lifts  01/17  PDS #632B
Toilet Facilities  07/18  PDS #633B
Shower, Bathing, and Locker Room Facilities  07/18  PDS #634B
Drinking Fountains   01/17  PDS #635B
Miscellaneous Elements  07/18  PDS #636B
Alarms  01/17  PDS #637B
Assembly Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 1
Business and Office Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 2
Educational Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 3
Health Care Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 4
Mercantile and Retail Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 5
Hotel, Motel, and Other Transient Lodging Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 6
Storage, Warehouse, and Factory Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 7
Recreational and Outdoor Uses  01/17  PDS #638B 8
Existing and Historical Buildings  01/22  PDS #639B
State Disability Access Notice for Commercial Building Applicants  11/21  Access Notice

Homeowners and Business Owners Relief Permits:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Homeowners and Business Owners Relief Act 07/14 PDS #612
Policy on Sea Cargo Containers 05/07 Policy MP-26
Requirements for Placing Cargo Containers 09/22 PDS #726

Pool Permit Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21 PDS #293
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater (file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Swimming Pool Enclosure and Safety Feature Requirements 05/20 PDS #379
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

Patio Permit Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater(file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Residential Decks 01/23 PDS #044
Patio Covers and Carports 01/23 PDS #078
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

Retaining Wall Permit Plan Submittal:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
Best Management Practices for Stormwater(file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Retaining Wall with Sloping Back Fill 01/23 PDS #083
Retaining Wall with Level Back Fill 01/23 PDS #084
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24 PDS #613
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800

Renewable Energy Permits:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Minimum Plan Requirements to Solar Photovoltaic Projects 09/12 PDS #663
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Bldg Energy Efficiency Standards: Low-Rise Residential 01/17 PDS #409
Online Roof Mount Solar PV Submittal Guidance 06/13 PDS #807
How to Obtain a Building Permit Summary 10/13 PDS #441a
Permitting Requirements for Stand-Alone Generator Units 12/19 PDS #799
Eligibility Checklist for Expedited Permitting Process 02/20 PDS #808
Zoning Ordinance - ZO Index

Wildfire Rebuilding - General Information:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
County Building Codes 02/23 BLDGCODE
Consolidated County Fire Code 04/23 FIRECODE
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Residential Plan Submittal Worksheet for Fire Survivors 09/12 PDS #186
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Firestorm Policy and Guidance Document 09/19 PDS #666
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Firestorm Policy Document 10/13 PDS #806
PDS Foundation Memo for Fire Survivors 10/07 Foundation Memo
Permitting Requirements for Stand-Alone Generator Units 12/19 PDS #799

Planning for a Project - General Information:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
County Building Codes 02/23 BLDGCODE
Consolidated County Fire Code 04/23 FIRECODE
Adoptive Ordinance Building Permit Requirements Exemptions 01/23 PDS #110
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Farm Employee Housing 08/20 PDS #390
Guest Living Quarters 09/12 PDS #576
Non-Habitable Structures 01/20 PDS #577
Accessory Dwelling Unit 01/20 PDS #611
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Low Impact Development Handbook 02/16 LID HANDBOOK
Determination of Legal Parcel 09/12 Policy G-3
Types Of Accessory Dwelling Units 01/17 PDS #345

All Forms Listed in Alpha-Numerical Order:

Form Name Date MM/YY Number
County Building Codes 02/23 BLDGCODE
Optional Pre-Intake Assistance Conference
PDS #001
Steel Building Plan Certification 01/17 PDS #002A
Steel Building Construction Certification 01/17 PDS #003A
Special Inspection Form 12/24 PDS #006
Minor (PDS) Grading Plan Checklist 06/17 PDS #009
Notching and Boring 01/17 PDS #013
Affidavit for Release of Building Records 05/20 PDS #017
Property Owner Release for Copies of Building Plans 01/24 PDS #018
Weights of Materials 01/17 PDS #019
MHP Plot Plan for Accessory 01/24 PDS #036
Plot Plan Cover (not for grading)  PDF Format 01/23 PDS #040
Plot Plan Cover (not for grading)  AutoCAD 01/23 PDS #040
Residential Decks 01/23 PDS #044
Requirements for Placing a Manufactured Home in a Mobile Home Park 12/18 PDS #054
MH Installation Information 01/17 PDS #055a
Expansive Soil Foundation Design 01/23 PDS #065
Fences 01/23 PDS #070
Minor Grading Certification Form 08/20 PDS #073
Residential Roof-Mount Solar PV Building Code Plan Check 07/18 PDS #074
Guards and Handrails 01/23 PDS #075
Mobile Home Tie-Down Certification by Installer 09/12 PDS #076
Patio Covers and Carports 01/23 PDS #078
Minimum Construction Specifications Solar PV 01/23 PDS #081s
Minimum Construction Specifications PDF Format 01/23 PDS #081
Retaining Wall with Sloping Backfill 01/23 PDS #083
Retaining Wall with Level Backfill 01/23 PDS #084
Plot Plan Minimum Requirements 05/17 PDS #090
Naming or Renaming Private Roads 07/24
PDS #096
Change the Name of a County Road 06/23 PDS #098A/B
Mobile Home on a Private Lot - Requirements 09/12 PDS #103
Adoptive Ordinance Building Permit Requirements Exemptions 01/23 PDS #110
Final Residential Inspection Requirements 09/12 PDS #117
Who May Prepare Plans 09/12 PDS #118
Inspection Form for Series Rated Combination 09/12 PDS #132
Building Self-Certification Program 07/21 PDS #136
Best Management Practices for Stormwater(file size 22MB) 01/24 PDS #143
Notice of Abandoned Plan Check or Permit 05/20 PDS #148
Valuation Multiplier 06/17 PDS #169
Minor Grading Plan Intake Minimum Requirements 02/17 PDS #173
Residential Fireplaces and Chimneys 01/23 PDS #180
Circuit Card and Load Summary 01/15 PDS #184
Residential Plan Submittal Worksheet for Fire Survivors 09/12 PDS #186
Tract Submittal Worksheet (print on 11x17 paper) 10/20 PDS #194
Wet Bar Limitations 09/12 PDS #195
Fire Resistive Eave Construction 01/24 PDS #198
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
Fire, Plants, Defensible Space and You 09/21 PDS #199
Private Outdoor Lighting Regulations 05/23 PDS #211
Gnatcatcher Endangered Species Notification 03/23
PDS #252
Resolution Conference Request & Issue Resolution Procedures 07/06 PDS #266
Sample Presentation for Stormwater BMPs 10/20 PDS #272
Green Building Incentive Program 09/12 PDS #273
Residential Building Permit Application (Interactive) 03/22
PDS #291
Mobile Home Park Construction Application(Interactive) 09/24 PDS #292
Commercial Building Permit Application (Interactive) 10/21
PDS #293
Building Permit & Right-of-Way Permit Subcontractor Disclosure Guidance 02/23 PDS #295
Building Ride Along - PDS #332
Grading Permit Application (Interactive) 01/25 PDS #352
Swimming Pool Enclosure and Safety Feature Requirements 05/20 PDS #379
Farm Employee Housing 08/20 PDS #390
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #404c
Landscape Documentation Package Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #404e
Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet 03/16 PDS #405
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - Counter Submittal 05/22 PDS #406c
Landscape Certificate of Completion Checklist - E-mail Submittal 05/22 PDS #406e
Landscape Certificate of Completion Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 03/16 PDS #407A
Landscape Certificate of Completion 03/16 PDS #407
Bldg Energy Efficiency Standards: Low-Rise Residential 01/17 PDS #409
Water Use Application Using Prescriptive Compliance Option 02/16 PDS #410
Span Tables 03/14 PDS #415
Owner-Builder Information 05/20 PDS #421
Burial Depths for Yard Piping 01/17 PDS #438ab
How to Obtain a Building Permit Summary 10/13 PDS #441a
Checklist for Commercial Buildings 07/18 PDS #492
Checklist for Residential Construction 01/23 PDS #498
Guest Living Quarters 09/12 PDS #576
Non-Habitable Structures 01/20 PDS #577
Temporary Health Care Trailers 12/24 PDS #592
Instructions for 24-hour Inspection Hotline 06/13 PDS #598
Water Tank Standards for Fire Protection 03/13 CFA #600
Accessory Dwelling Unit 01/20 PDS #611
Homeowners and Business Owners Relief Act 01/17 PDS #612
Building Permit Fee Schedule 06/24
PDS #613
Expedited Plan Check Request 06/23
PDS #617
Right of Entry 08/21
PDS #620
Appeal of Fire Code Official's Decision 09/12 PDS #622A
Code Applicability, Site Accessibility, Exterior Routes of Travel 01/17 PDS #625A
Site Accessibility and Exterior Routes of Travel 07/18 PDS #625B
Parking Facilities 07/18 PDS #626A
Parking and Passenger Loading Zones 07/18 PDS #626B
Curb Ramps 01/17 PDS #627A
Curb Ramps 07/18 PDS #627B
Ramps 01/17 PDS #628A
Ramps 01/17 PDS #628B
Entrances, Exits, and Interior Routes of Travel 01/17 PDS #629A
Entrances, Exits, and Interior Routes of Travel 01/17 PDS #629B
Doors and Gates 01/17 PDS #630A
Doors and Gates 01/17 PDS #630B
Stairways 01/17 PDS #631A
Stairways 01/17 PDS #631B
Elevators and Platform Lifts 01/17 PDS #632A
Elevators and Platform Lifts 01/17 PDS #632B
Common-Use Toilet Facilities 01/17 PDS #633A
Toilet Facilities 07/18 PDS #633B
Common-Use Shower and Bathing Facilities 01/17 PDS #634A
Shower, Bathing, and Locker Room Facilities 07/18 PDS #634B
Drinking Fountains 07/18 PDS #635A
Drinking Fountains 01/17 PDS #635B
Public Telephones 01/17 PDS #636A
Miscellaneous Elements 07/18 PDS #636B
Alarms 01/17 PDS #637A
Alarms 01/17 PDS #637B
Common-Use Amenities 01/17 PDS #638A
Assembly Uses 01/17 PDS #638B 1
Business and Office Uses 01/17 PDS #638B 2
Educational Uses 01/17 PDS #638B 3
Health Care Uses 03/14 PDS #638B 4
Mercantile and Retail Uses 03/14 PDS #638B 5
Hotel, Motel, and Other Transient Lodging Uses 03/14 PDS #638B 6
Storage, Warehouse, and Factory Uses 03/14 PDS #638B 7
Recreational and Outdoor Uses 07/15 PDS #638B 8
Dwelling Units 01/16 PDS #639A
Existing and Historical Buildings 01/22 PDS #639B
Residential Re-Roof Referral Sheet 02/25 PDS #641A
Multifamily Re-Roof Referral Sheet 02/25 PDS #641B
Commercial Re-Roof Referral Sheet 02/25 PDS #641C
Disabled Access Requirements Hardship Exception Application 01/23 PDS #644
Environmental Review Questionnaire 08/21
PDS #646
Tract Submittal Requirements 02/25 PDS #649
Plan Change Form 09/24 PDS #652
Minimum Essential Items for Plans 01/23 PDS #658
Standard Lot Perimeter Protection Design 09/12 PDS #659
County Standards Desilting Basin 09/12 PDS #660
Fire Resistive Construction Requirements 09/12 PDS #662
Minimum Plan Requirements for Solar Photovoltaic Projects 09/12 PDS #663
Wildland Urban Interface Code Requirements 01/24 PDS #664
Firestorm Policy and Guidance Document 09/19 PDS #666
Water Heater Strapping Requirements 01/14 PDS #701
Applicant Quick Guide for Construction in a Mobile Home Park 09/12 PDS #703
Sample Conditions of Approval 07/20
PDS #712
Requirements for Placing Cargo Containers 09/22 PDS #726
Streamlined Starter Home Developments of 10 or Less Units (SB 684) 07/24 PDS #733
SB 330 Preliminary Application 08/24 PDS #735
Fire Clearing FAQ Sheet 09/21 PDS #800
Plan Change Guidance Document 07/24
PDS #803
Agency Contacts List 04/19 PDS #804
Sample Placard for Alternate Power Source 09/12 PDS #805
Firestorm Policy Document 10/13 PDS #806
Online Roof Mount Solar PV Submittal Guidance 06/13 PDS #807
Eligibility Checklist for Expedited Permitting Process 02/20 PDS #808
Hazardous Materials Questionnaire - DEH:HM-9171
Fire Resistive Eave Details for AutoCAD Users 01/24 EAVE INDEX
County Fire Code 04/23 FIRECODE
PDS Foundation Memo for Fire Survivors 10/07 Foundation Memo
Permitting Requirements for Stand-Alone Generator Units 12/19 PDS #799
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet PDF Format 01/23 GRDPDS
Grading Plot Plan & Supplemental Sheet AutoCAD 01/23 GRDPDS
Low Impact Development Handbook 02/16 LID HANDBOOK
Stormwater Intake Form (Interactive) 01/25 INTAKE FORM
Standard Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan 09/20 STANDARD SWQMP
BMP Installation Verification Form for Priority Development Projects 09/20 BMP VERIFY
Category I Structural BMP Maintenance Notification Agreement 10/19 BMP MAINTENANCE
Policy on Sea Cargo Containers 05/07 Policy MP-26
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Design Manual 09/20 BMP DESIGN MANUAL
Verification of Agriculture Application 07/13 AWM Form
Determination of Legal Parcel 09/12 Policy G-3
Types Of Accessory Dwelling Units 01/17 PDS #345
State Disability Access Notice for Commercial Building Applicants 11/21 Access Notice


Approved Construction Material Testing Laboratories and Special Inspection Agencies
The County Building Division and most cities in the region do not have an approval system for construction materials testing laboratories and special inspection agencies.  For construction projects within the unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego requiring these services, please refer to the approved listing maintained by the City of San Diego online.

- City of San Diego Approved Material Testing Labs


Building Permits Issued and
Newly Created Records Reports

Effective March 31, 2013, the Planning and Development Services, Building Division Building Permits Issued and Newly Created Records reports are available in Microsoft Excel format on the Accela Citizen Access portion of the County’s web site.

Please read the Accela Citizen Access How To Run Reports help guide for instructions.

With the deployment of the ability for our customers to run the Building Permits Issued and Newly Created Records reports using detailed parameters, publication of the pre-run, weekly ‘canned’ reports ceased on March 31, 2013.  More information is available at the Accela Updates web page.

The Building Permits Issued and Newly Created Records reports are provided "as is," free of charge, as a courtesy. Report criteria fields, format, file type and other characteristics of the report may change without notice. The County of San Diego has mad eevery effort to ensure that the data provided is accurate; however, the County disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the data.

In no event shall the County of San Diego become liable to users of this data, or any other party for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise.

As the Building Permits Issued and Newly Created Records reports are provided as a courtesy service, no technical support is provided.