Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easement (PACE) Program
The County of San Diego has an agricultural conservation program known as the Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easement (PACE) Program. The PACE Program promotes the long term preservation of agriculture in the County of San Diego.
Under the PACE Program, willing agricultural property owners are compensated for placing a perpetual easement on their property that limits future uses to agriculture. As a result, the agricultural land is preserved and the property owner receives compensation making the land’s continued use for agriculture more viable.
Program Contact: Michael Blackmun | AgConservation@sdcounty.ca.gov

The PACE Program is now accepting applications! Applications will be ranked and selected for participation annually, the next application review cycle will occur in Spring 2025. To be notified of future application review cycles and other announcements on the PACE Program, please subscribe to our mailing list by clicking the banner below.
Upcoming Events
Join us for the 4th Annual Voluntary Conservation and Land Management Assistance Workshop! The workshop helps property owners looking for funding or technical assistance in managing or conserving their property. This workshop is focused on matching private property owners, agricultural producers, non-profits, and local businesses with support for conservation and sustainable land management practices.
When: Wednesday, March 26, 4–6 PM
Where: San Diego
Farm Bureau, 420 S Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025
Registration: https://cosdconservation.wufoo.com/forms/r64h6gf0f9kraa/
The County’s Board of Supervisors adopted an expansion to the properties eligible to participate in the PACE Program on March 3, 2021 (10).
March 3, 2021 Board of Supervisors Hearing Report Documents
This expansion no longer requires that applicants must have experienced a density reduction under the 2011 General Plan Update. Properties must meet the following eligibility criteria to apply for the expanded program:
- Active agriculture for at least two years immediately prior to application
- Property must be zoned A70 – Limited Agriculture, A72 – General Agriculture, RR – Rural Residential, S90 – Holding Area, or S92 – General Rural
To determine Zoning and program eligibility, please generate a Property Summary Report for the property using the Self-Service portal.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Blackmun at AgConservation@sdcounty.ca.gov or (858) 505-6677.