Housing Production & Capacity Portal

Total Capacity of the General Plan
This map is an estimate of the number of existing and future dwelling units allowed for the unincorporated area. Total capacity may not be built and requires permits. Site constraints such as animal habitats, steep slopes, and flood areas may reduce the total capacity.

Annexations, Acquisitions & Conservation Programs
This map shows the estimated reduction in the General Planning dwelling unit capacity since 2011. These reductions are due to annexations of land by surrounding cities, land acquisitions by State, Federal, or Tribal entities, and conservation programs in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County.

Changes to the General Plan Capacity
This map is an estimate of the net increase or decrease to the total residential capacity since 2011. Total capacity may not be built and requires permits. Site constraints such as animal habitats, steep slopes, and flood areas may reduce the total capacity.

Existing Dwelling Units with Completed Building Permits
This map shows the total number of dwelling units approved by a decision of a hearing body or the County of San Diego Planning & Development Services Director for discretionary projects since the 2011 General Plan implementation.

Dwelling Units with Completed Building Permits
This map shows the total number of dwelling units built in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County since 2011.

Dwelling Units with Approved Discretionary Permits
This map shows the total number of dwelling units approved by the County as part of a residential development requiring a discretionary permit. These developments may require additional permits and infrastructure improvements before construction can begin.

Available Capacity of the General Plan
This map shows the estimated number of dwelling units that could be built based on the total residential capacity of the General Plan. Construction of these units requires site-specific analysis, permits, and possibly infrastructure improvements.

Changes to General Plan Capacity in Process
This map is an estimate of the net increase or decrease in the total residential capacity of the General Plan currently under review by the County. Total capacity may not be built and requires site-specific analysis, permits, and possibly infrastructure improvements.

Dwelling Units in Process
This map shows the total number of dwelling units that are in the process of obtaining discretionary permits. If approved, these developments may require additional permits and infrastructure improvements before construction can begin.

Adjusted Available Capacity of the General Plan
This map shows the estimated number of dwelling units that could be built based on the total residential capacity of the General Plan. The estimate is adjusted to exclude applications for land use changes (Map H) and discretionary permits (Map I).

2011 General Plan Differential
This map shows the estimated number of dwelling units from developments that exceed or are below the maximum number of dwelling allowed by the General Plan since 2011. The map shows results for both approved and in-process development projects.

Dwelling Units in the Grading Stages of the Land Development Process
This map shows the estimated number of dwelling units from development projects that are currently in the grading stage of construction.