About Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council

The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  • The primary purpose of a Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council (CAPCC) is to coordinate the community’s efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse.
  • CAPCC meets to develop information, coordinate action, and procure resources for child abuse prevention, intervention and treatment.
  • CAPCC will provide a forum for interagency cooperation and coordination in the prevention, detection, treatment, and legal processing of child abuse cases.
  • Promote public awareness of abuse and neglect and the resources available.
  • Encourage and facilitate training of professionals in detection, treatment, and prevention of child abuse and neglect.
  • Recommend improvements in services to families and victims.
  • Encourage and facilitate community support for child abuse and neglect programs.

Parent Summit Saturday, May 7, 2016
Parent Summit Flyer - SAVE THE DATE 
For further questions and information about the Parent Summit please contact 858-616-5832.

Contact Person

Kevin Hauck
Health & Human Services Agency, Mail Stop: W-473
Email: kevin.hauck@sdcounty.ca.gov