Lien Services

Contact Information:
Lien Services Information: 866-901-3212 | Fax: 858-866-8940
Mailing Address:
Department of Child Support Services
Attention: Lien
P.O. Box 122031
San Diego, CA 92112-2031
Payment Address:
CA State Disbursement Unit
PO Box 989067
Sacramento, CA 95798-9067
Please indicate that payment is for a Lien Services account.
Demand Request Information
To help us assist you, please provide the following documentation with the initial demand request.
For immediate review, please submit all demand request with complete documentation by fax at 858-866-8940.
Required Information:
- Demand Request:
- Submit on your company letterhead, with escrow officer's name and contact information.
- Title Information:
- Title company's name with address, telephone, and fax number
- Title officer's name
- Title company order number
- Copies of all liens:
- Please provide legible copies.
- Include all pages with document numbers and recording date.
- Statement of Information:
- Include present employer, current address, telephone, date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, and children's names with dates of birth.
- Transaction Type:
- Is the party requesting the clearance the seller, purchaser, or refinancing?
- Estimated closing date
- Property information
- Property address
- Parcel number
- Legal description
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a lien?
A lien is filed against the real property of a person who owes child support enforced by a local child support agency. A lien prevents a person from selling, transferring, or refinancing real property owned in the county where the lien is recorded until the lien is satisfied. Real property includes the land, structures attached, and all interests in the property.
Why is there a lien filed against me?
DCSS is mandated to record a legal document with the County Recorders Office that creates a lien against any real property the noncustodial parent may own now or in the future.
Do you need to remove a hold on your property?
If your case is closed and would like to request to remove a hold or a lien on your property, fill out the Party Clearance Form and fax your request to Lien Services at 858-866-8940.