Strategic Plan for Diversity & Inclusion

The County of San Diego is committed to valuing diversity and practicing inclusion because our diverse workforce is our greatest asset and our customers are our number one priority. 


The County of San Diego is a world-class, public-service organization inspired and driven by a diverse and thriving workforce.


The County of San Diego continually seeks ways to create an inclusive culture that embraces diversity so our employees feel valued and fully engaged to support a workplace and community that is healthy, safe and thriving. 

Desired Outcomes

  1. Exceptional Service to Our Diverse Customers
  2. Inclusion for All Employees & Customers
  3. A Motivated and Engaged Workforce
  4. Organizational Effectiveness and Innovation



Diversity is the range of human differences—recognizing that each person has layers of diversity, which together make his or her perspective unique and essential to the success of the organization. Human differences include, but are not limited to personality, age, life experience, race/ethnicity, socio-economic class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ability and religion.


Inclusion is actively and intentionally valuing multiple layers of human differences and viewing such differences as strengths. Inclusion is the degree to which employees and customers of all identities—whether visible or not—are able to be authentic and feel safe and respected. 


Equity is fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all, while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. The principle of equity acknowledges that there are underserved and under-represented populations, and equity means increasing diversity by improving conditions of disadvantaged groups. Equity acknowledges and considers differences, disparities, and disproportionality to ensure a fair process and outcome.

Cultural Awareness

Cultural Awareness is the ability to honor and respect the beliefs, backgrounds, inter-personal styles, attitudes and behaviors of both customers and employees in order to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. A culturally aware organization incorporates these values in its policies, administration and practices. (Adapted from Roberts et al, 1990).



  1. Develop infrastructure to implement and sustain the D&I Strategic plan.
  2. Declare the County’s commitment to D&I internally and externally.
  3. Cultivate diversity and inclusion champions to drive D&I efforts throughout the enterprise.
  4. Develop measurements to track outcomes of D&I Strategic Plan.
  5. Develop a national reputation for innovative and effective HR practices on D&I to attract and retain a workforce that reflects the diversity of San Diego County.
  6. Provide educational opportunities so that all employees and leaders increase their commitment and practice the behaviors needed for D&I transformation.
  7. Address any barriers, disproportionality or inequities that limit residents from leading healthy, safe and thriving lives.
  8. Expand outreach to attract under-represented suppliers and inform new and established suppliers of additional opportunities to do business with the County.
  9. Create a more inclusive and accessible climate at the County where employees can be proud of their identity and use it as a source to channel their ideas and skills for benefit of the County.
  10. Provide world-class public service by utilizing cultural and linguistic awareness.
  11. Define the County’s reputation as a leader on D&I through our actions and results.


Who will make it happen?

County Leaders, Employee Resource Groups, and YOU are vital to the success of this plan. We all make it happen when we value diversity and practice inclusion.

D&I Executive Council

The D&I Executive Council will guide and monitor the implementation of this strategic plan, serve as a resource for the enterprise and be comprised of County executives. The D&I Executive Council will create subcommittees to implement the goals set by the D&I Council Executive.

Sustaining our focus on workforce diversity and continually seeking ways to foster an inclusive culture will help to make the County of San Diego the best place to work in the nation.

We can all be D&I Champions...

People who understand and appreciate the differences in the ways others think, act, believe and behave; and are willing and open to learn and change their perceptions and behaviors for the greater good of the organization. Practicing inclusion is dependent upon each employee, at every level of the organization, expanding their capacity for communications in three areas:

1. Mind-Set


  • Be curious about who people are and
    what matters to them.
  • View conflicts as opportunities to
    gain more insight about different perspectives.


  • Reflect on your own reactions when
    someone has different opinions or behaviors.
  • Be mindful of unconscious bias and
    challenge assumptions.
  • Increase knowledge and self-awareness
    of your own culture, as well as other cultural groups.

2. Skill-Set


  • Develop a flexible communication style to effectively interact with others.
  • Be open to different values, communication styles and behaviors.


  • Share your ideas and seek out opinions that are different than your own.
  • Develop techniques to conduct inclusive meetings to increase collaborative problem-solving and decision-making.


  • Adapt your communication style in order to create a safe space for others to be authentic.
  • Hold yourself and others accountable for their behaviors related to diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness.
  • Communicate the values of diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness and how they align with organizational goals.
  • Support opportunities for employees from underrepresented groups and create an executive leadership team that is reflective of the community.

3. Open Heart

Relationship Building:

  • Genuinely connect with others to build rapport and trust.
  • Treat people in ways that signify respect to them and their differences.
  • Demonstrate empathy for others.
  • Serve our customers with HEART.