Wireless Leasing Opportunities


The County of San Diego will support the complex site modifications associated with Long Term Evolution (LTE) network upgrades.  All modifications will require that a detailed description of the scope of work and design concept be provided to and reviewed by County RES in advance.  The carrier or its designated agent will be provided a construction start date after: (1.) a design review has been completed by the Department of General Services RES; (2.) the existing use permit has been modified if required by County Planning and Development Services; (3.) security access applications have been submitted and approved by the County Security Officer; and (4.) a construction milestone schedule has been provided and approved by RES. The construction milestone schedule will clearly state all major milestones and events associated with the site modification.  Each modification will require that the carrier’s general contractor demonstrate to the County Construction Manager that all OSHA requirements will be followed. Rooftop modifications will require a fall protection and injury and illness prevention plan that will be provided to the County construction manager.  If the site modification requires a crane, then the carrier is required to submit, under cover letter, the following information along with the construction milestone schedule:

  1. The crane safety plan;
  2. The crane pick and placement plan;
  3. All approved permits required to move and transport a crane;
  4. Confirmation that all crane operations will be conducted during weekends only.

If the modification requires any core drilling, the carrier will conduct conduit search and x-rays that will be taken prior to making any penetrations into any walls or floors.  All conduit searches will be conducted during the day when all electrical systems are working.  Prior to conducting any coring or penetrations, all areas that may be affected by the coring debris (water, dust, etc.) will be covered by the general contractor. Water and debris produced by any coring operations must have a means of being captured. 

After the design concept, milestone schedule, safety plan, and crane operations have been provided to the County, RES will coordinate a pre-construction meeting. Once construction begins the major milestone schedule will be updated each week by the carrier’s general contractor, to show all completed milestones and all pending construction milestones. At the completion of the site modification, the carrier will provide an updated a- built design that clearly shows all portions of the County facility that were affected by the modification.

For additional information contact:

County of San Diego
Real Estate Services Division
Attn: Steven Johnson 
5560 Overland Avenue, Suite 410
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 726-1514