Volunteer Opportunities - Environment
Aging & Independence Services
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Volunteers, age 50+, engage in community activities and give back to the community in significant ways. They receive assistance to find the volunteer activity that best meets their goals in volunteering. Volunteer positions are available throughout the County in many areas, such as museums, parks, law enforcement and human services.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Armida Martinez
More on volunteering with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Air Pollution Control (APCD)
Volunteer opportunities in environmental education or enforcement. Volunteers perform entry-level activities in administrative services.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Diane Frickey
Environmental Health
The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) enhances San Diegans' quality of life by protecting public health and safeguarding environmental quality, educating the public to increase environmental awareness, and implementing and enforcing local, state, and federal environmental laws. DEH regulates the following: retail food safety; public housing; public swimming pools; small drinking water systems; mobile-home parks; onsite wastewater systems; recreational water; aboveground and underground storage tanks and cleanup oversight; and medical and hazardous materials and waste. In addition, DEH serves as the Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency, prevents disease carried by rats and mosquitoes and helps to ensure safe workplaces for County employees.
UC Cooperative Extension
4-H / Master Gardener Programs
Do you enjoy interacting, teaching and mentoring the future movers, shakers and leaders of tomorrow? If the answer is yes, becoming a 4-H adult volunteer and club leader may be for you. 4-H isn’t about cookies and cows anymore - youth can study and learn about science literacy, veterinary science, citizenship, public speaking, photography and foods and nutrition to name just a few. Through hands-on learning and positive youth-adult partnerships youth acquire knowledge and develop life skills that enable them to find and focus their energy into their passions while also giving back to the community.
Do you enjoy all things home horticulture-related? Do you like learning about how to care for plants, distinguishing good bugs from bad bugs and extending that knowledge to the community? If the answer is yes, the Master Gardener program may be for you. Applications for new Master Gardener participants are given out every two years. Call our Master Gardener hotline - 858–822-6910 for more information.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Erin Spaniel
(858) 822-7854
General Services
The Department of General Services "keeps the County running" and our volunteers' unique strengths, skills and efforts support successful projects, strategic planning, and efficient maintenance operations.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Danita Arrizon
Parks & Recreation
Our award-winning park system features 154 facilities across 56,000
acres of land, including parks, camping parks, sports parks, community
and teen centers, open-space preserves, nature centers, and historic
sites. Some 380 miles of trails take visitors through multiple
climates and habitats - from the coast to the desert and the valleys
to the mountains.
That is a lot of outside! To maintain, operate, and enjoy these incredible locations, we engage local community members who volunteer their time so everyone can experience “the upside of outside” throughout San Diego County!
Volunteer Coordinator:
Tony Richardson
Planning & Development Services
Volunteer opportunities in planning and land development.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Sheryleen Dungao