
Aging & Independence Services

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

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Volunteers, age 50+, engage in community activities and give back to the community in significant ways. They receive assistance to find the volunteer activity that best meets their goals in volunteering. Volunteer positions are available throughout the County in many areas, such as museums, parks, law enforcement and human services.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Armida Martinez
(858) 505-6448

More on volunteering with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program


Long Term Care Ombudsman

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The Long Term Care Ombudsman program advocates for residents in Long Term Care Facilities, such as nursing homes, as well as investigates abuse in other licensed facilities.  An Ombudsman listens to concerns, provides information and assistance when requested and will investigate and resolve complaints related to care or personal rights. Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the county.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Sunita Upchurch
(858) 505-6322

More about the Long Term Ombudman volunteer program

Air Pollution Control (APCD)

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Volunteer opportunities in environmental education or enforcement. Volunteers perform entry-level activities in administrative services.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Heidi Snyder
(858) 568-2890

Department of Animal Services

Our volunteers care for more than 25,000 thousands of cats, dogs, livestock and exotic animals every year. These are animals that have been abandoned, hurt, lost or neglected. They deserve the high level of care we give them. We can do that, in part, thanks to our dedicated volunteers.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Rachael Borrelli
(760) 966-3237

More on volunteering with Animal Services

Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk

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​Providing customer service in the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk marriage room at the downtown location.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Rowena Reno
(619) 685-2400


Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

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The Clerk of the Board department is looking for volunteers to assist with taking passport photos. Your job will be to take photos of customers that are applying for a passport, ensuring their photo meets the requirements of the Department of State. The department is looking for someone to assist during busy customer periods from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., particularly on Thursdays and Fridays.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Samantha Lanham
(619) 531-5700

More on volunteering with the Clerk of the Board

Health & Human Services

HHSA Child Welfare Services - Foster Youth Mentor

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The Foster Youth Mentor Program (FYMP) provides mentors to youth starting at age 6 in the San Diego County Foster Care system. A volunteer mentor can be a significant help for a foster youth by being a consistent person in the child's life.

Volunteer Coordinator:
(858) 278-4400

More on volunteering with foster youth


HHSA Child Welfare Services – A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center

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Polinsky emergency shelter volunteers provide special attention and activities for the children at PCC. This may include helping children up to 18 years of age with homework, gardening, art projects, sports, and social activities.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Linda Gonzales
(858) 874-1058

More on volunteering with the Polinsky Center


Office of Emergency Services

Emergency Management

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Volunteers help research, draft, review, and update disaster plans and procedures. Volunteers also help work on initiatives to increase community disaster preparedness, as well as assist staff on specific projects.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Nicholas Thomlison

Erin McCann
(858) 715-2339 

More on volunteering with Emergency Management

Parks & Recreation

Our award-winning park system features 154 facilities across 56,000 acres of land, including parks, camping parks, sports parks, community and teen centers, open-space preserves, nature centers, and historic sites. Some 380 miles of trails take visitors through multiple climates and habitats - from the coast to the desert and the valleys to the mountains.

That is a lot of outside! To maintain, operate, and enjoy these incredible locations, we engage local community members who volunteer their time so everyone can experience “the upside of outside” throughout San Diego County!

Volunteer Coordinator:
Tony Richardson

More on volunteering with Parks and Recreation


Volunteers in Probation (VIP)

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Volunteers in Probation (VIP) provides volunteer opportunities for people who recognize the value of public service for their community. VIPs serve in a variety of capacities including: case aides; staff assistants; instructors and tutors, admin assistant

Volunteer Coordinator:
Veronica Velez
(858) 514-3123

More on volunteering with the VIP program

Registrar of Voters

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In San Diego County, 7,000 to 8,000 poll workers are needed. We are looked upon to excel in our assigned duties and execute with precision. For volunteer poll workers, this means making a commitment to attend a 2-hour training, actively listen to instructors, read and understand instructive materials, practice, practice, practice and work in concert with fellow volunteers on the day of the event. Poll workers give their valuable time by working at community polling places on Election Day so their fellow citizens can exercise their voting rights.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Vanessa Perez
(858) 505-7221