Agriculture, Weights & Measures

The 2019 Crop Report is Here

If you've ever been to a farmers’ market, checked out at a grocery store, pumped gas, or wondered if your produce was organic, then you've benefitted from AWM. 

As part of the County’s Land Use & Environment Group, we're here to serve you.

What AWM does for you: 

  • Ensures pesticides are used safely and investigates related illness.
  • Prevents the spread of pests that harm agriculture and the environment. 
  • Promotes the use of natural pest controls. 
  • Verifies produce that is marked as organic.
  • Ensures vendors at farmers' markets grow what they sell.  
  • Verifies that commercial weighing and measuring devices and price scanners are accurate. 
  • Protects people from injury and disease caused by wildlife.   

  • Citrus Quarantine Declared for Fallbrook (September 2024)
    • The California Department of Food and Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture have confirmed the first detection of HLB in an unincorporated area of Fallbrook on September 10, 2024, in a plant material sample taken from one mandarin tree in a residential neighborhood in the Fallbrook area. This positive find requires a five-mile quarantine around the positive site. This is the third HLB quarantine in the county and is now the fourth quarantine in the county.

Private Applicator Certification Exam: Schedule Online

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