The cultivation of industrial hemp, which is an agricultural commodity like other commonly grown crops, is regulated by AWM to ensure proper registration, crop planting, sampling/testing for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), harvest, and destruction activities. AWM also inspects nurseries that are growing industrial hemp for proper licensing and any invasive pests, ensures proper pesticide use at hemp operations, inspects hemp seeds for cleanliness and proper packaging, and verifies stormwater compliance. The County has no jurisdiction for regulating agricultural odors or land-use matters in incorporated cities.
California law requires that all growers and breeders of industrial hemp complete the registration process with the County of San Diego Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures (AWM) prior to cultivation. The Industrial Hemp Cultivation Program is administered at the state level by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).
Registration applications can be found on CDFA’s website, under “Forms.”
All industrial hemp registrants must comply with California’s laws and regulations. Any cultivation of industrial hemp without a valid registration is in violation of the law.
For more information, contact AWM's Industrial Hemp Cultivation
Program at 858-614-7786 or
Additional Resources
Pesticide Use on Industrial Hemp Outreach Presentation
CDFA California Industrial Hemp Program
CDFA Frequently Asked Questions
California Industrial Hemp Law
California Industrial Hemp Regulations
For information regarding cannabis, please refer to the County’s Socially Equitable Cannabis Program.