Wildlife Services

The role of Wildlife Services is to provide assistance in the management of wildlife damage in an effort to protect human health and safety, agriculture, property and endangered species. This is accomplished by providing technical recommendations to resolve, curtail or prevent damage to residents, domestic animals, property and other resources.
Please call 1-800-486-0010 and leave message. A Wildlife Services Agent will contact you in order of calls received. Please be aware that agents are often out in the field and may not be able to respond to messages right away.
- For emergencies that involve immediate threat to life, please dial 9-1-1
- For calls regarding domesticated pets in the unincorporated areas of the county, please call the Department of Animal Services at (619) 236-2341
- For domestic animals needing rescue in the unincorporated areas of the county, please call the Department of Animal Services at (619) 236-2341
- For calls regarding domestic animals in the incorporated cities, please see this listing of Animal Control Agencies by zip code
- For inquiries regarding injured or orphaned wildlife, call Project Wildlife at (619) 299-7012
- For more information on the management of wildlife damage please visit Wildlife Services

Looking for Badgers in San Diego County - USGS needs your help