Operational Plan and Budget Information

Fiscal Years 2019-20 & 2020-21
County of San Diego CAO Recommended Operational Plan
A comprehensive overview of the CAO's recommended financial plan for the County's operations for the next two fiscal years
County of San Diego CAO Recommended Operational Plan Change Letter
The CAO Change Letter updates the Recommended Operational Plan with information that becomes available after the latter document is published
The County of San Diego’s recommended budget invests $112 million in
new spending to help the region’s most vulnerable residents. See how
County programs help some of our most vulnerable residents, and learn
more about the recommended budget online:
online portal: http://budget.sandiegocounty.gov/#!/year/default
Historical/Prior Years
County of
San Diego CAO Recommended Operational Plan
comprehensive overview of the CAO's recommended financial plan for the
County's operations for the next two fiscal years.
County of San
Diego CAO Recommended Operational Plan Change Letter
Proposed changes to the CAO Recommended Operational Plan submitted
by the CAO and/or members of the Board of Supervisors. The CAO Change
Letter updates the Recommended Operational Plan with information that
becomes available after the latter document is published.
County of San
Diego Adopted Operational Plan
The Board of
Supervisors' two-year financial plan that allocates resources to
specific programs and services that support the County's long-term
goals; it includes the adopted budget for the first year and a
tentative budget that is approved in principle for the second year.
e-mail updates on the Operational Plan.
DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided to you as a matter of convenience and speaks as of the end of the last period to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the County of San Diego since then, the County of San Diego has not undertaken to update the financial statements, or such other documents.
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For more information email auditor@sdcounty.ca.gov