Weights & Measures Complaints

Were you overcharged for something you bought? Did you use a scale, pump, or other device that felt inaccurate? If so, you can file a complaint that will be investigated by a County Weights & Measures inspector. Please fill out one of the complaint forms below with as much detail as you can and email it to sdcawm@sdcounty.ca.gov so that it can be processed as efficiently as possible. 

For complaints about inaccurate prices or devices such as gas pumps, scales, taxis, cash registers, etc.

For complaints about your water, gas, or electric utility submeter.

When filling out a complaint form, please provide:

  • Business name and address
  • Date and time of occurrence
  • As much detail as possible about the product or items involved, for example:
    • Scale or meter location in the store (check stand #4, deli counter, etc.)
    • Gas station pump number and fuel type
    • Type of submeter
  • Your name, phone number, and e-mail address for us to contact you with the results of our investigation.

Common Complaints

Scales: These can include commercial or retail scales such as at your local market, coffee shop, or jeweler. They can also include larger industrial scales used for shipping, recycling centers, or trucks.

  • File a complaint if a scale or measuring device is being used improperly, or if a business isn’t charging by correct weight or measurement. Make sure to include the scale location in the store.
  • For scale complaints, use the general complaint form.

Submeters: Water, gas, or electric utility submeters are devices sometimes installed on rental properties such as apartments or mobile homes to measure utility use by an individual unit. The submeter allows the landlord or property manager to track and bill each unit or tenant based on usage rather than splitting the total bill among all units.

  • All submeters in use need to have a Weights & Measures seal that confirms they have been tested and registered.
  • Submeters need to be display their readings clearly and correctly measure bill usage.
  • For submeter complaints, use the submeter complaint form (Español).
Price Accuracy: This applies to stores or retail locations with automated point of sales systems.
  • The price you pay for a product must be the same as the posted, advertised, or quoted price.
    • Pay attention to the price display to make sure you aren’t being charged more than the price that’s listed.
    • If you believe there’s a mistake, look at your receipt before you leave the store.
    • Report any price errors to the store’s management immediately.
    • Ask about the store’s policy for overcharges (Sometimes the store will give you an item for free or subtract a dollar amount).
  • Attention Consumer Notices must be posted at every point-of-sale station.
  • For complaints use the general complaint form.

Packaged Goods: These include any packaged product for consumer use: most commonly, pre-packaged foods. Label of a packaged item needs to show the following:

  • Identity of the product
  • Responsibility statement that includes name, street address, and ZIP code
  • Quantity statement in both U.S./British measures and metric, on the principal display panel(s)

Firewood Sales

  • Firewood needs to be sold by the cord (a stack measuring 4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet) or fraction of cord.

Gas Stations

  • Gas stations need to provide free air and water when you purchase gasoline or diesel
  • If a disabled driver is charged extra for refueling service that should be provided at no additional cost.
  • For gas station complaints, use the general complaint form.