The County of San Diego Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures’ (AWM) top priority is the health and well-being of our customers and the community. We are cognizant of the concerns and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and are committed to being responsive to the customers’ needs as the situation evolves.
AWM will continue to share helpful updates. Please visit the following link for information on COVID-19 that includes local updates, Public Health orders, prevention measures, frequently asked questions, informational posters, guidance and resources: www.coronavirus-sd.com
NEW! COVID-19 Notification
To notify the County of a person/employee with COVID-19 at an agricultural operator’s site, complete the online COVID-19 Notification Form or call (888) 950-9905. Please have the following information ready: person's name, date of birth, and contact information.
The main Epidemiology phone line is also an option for reporting cases: 619-692-8499.
The webpage where the Health Orders and reporting links can be found- HERE.
NEW! USDA to Provide Additional Direct Assistance to Farmers and Ranchers Impacted by the Coronavirus
Online Services
If you have questions regarding payment or the status of your registration, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of the online services we provide over the internet
- Citizen Access is a website with online services to search records, to pay for existing permit (record) fees.
- Payment Online : For online payments, click Citizen Access. Go to the AWM tab, then in the General Search section, enter the Record Number (printed on invoice) in the Record Number field and click Search. Scroll down to see the results, in the Action Column click on "Pay Fee Due", then click on "Continue with Application", and select one of the Payment options. Online payment instructions are available.
***Online payments can only be made on existing permits (records) Online payments can be by EFT(Electronic Fund Transfer) or by credit card (Visa, Master Card)
California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) Information
CDFA’s main webpage has the following two COVID 19 links at the top of the page that provide a growing amount of guidance.
Certified Farmers’ Markets (CFMs):
- CDFA Guidance for Operating Certified Farmers’ Markets During COVID-19 Pandemic.
- CDFA Guidance for Sales of Pre-Bagged Items from Multiple Farms at CFMs
Fair and Livestock Market Guidance
- Guidance and Best Practices for Nurseries During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Orentacion y Mejores Practicas para los Viveros Durante la Pandemia de COVID-19
- CDFA Guidance on Nursery License Registration Late Fees
California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Guidance
COVID-19 Infection Prevention for Agricultural Employers and Employees
NEW! Employer Resources
Recognizing that there is a need to pull the plethora of employer need-to-know information on COVID-19 into one manual, the Department of Public Health released the following Employer Playbook today: https://files.covid19.ca.gov/pdf/employer-playbook-for-safe-reopening--en.pdf.
As a reminder, Cal/OSHA has great material on their web site at https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/coronavirus/Health-Care-General-Industry.html, and CDFA maintains our COVID website as a resource portal for agriculture: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/coronavirus/.
NEW! Outreach and Education
Building on other public awareness campaigns there will be an enhanced public awareness campaign focused on essential workers and the LatinX community to inform them of ways they can break the cycle of spread and reduce their risk for COVID-19 at work, at home, and in their community. We know many of your organizations have been doing outreach and media/radio spots as well and we hope this new media material will aid in your outreach:
Watch the new PSAs about how we can all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep California healthy here:
- Make It Happen (English)
- Juntos (Spanish)
CDPH Workplace Outbreak Guidance
CAL-OSHA has prepared a document that details how Agricultural Employers can update their: Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPPs) in regards to COVID-19 Infection Prevention
Employer and Employee Training Information on COVID-19 Infection Prevention:
- COVID-19 Tailgate Training | COVID-19 Tailgate Training (Spanish Version)
- COVID-19 Employer Checklist | COVID-19 Employer Checklist (Spanish Version)
NEW! Testing
Last Monday California Department of Public Health announced new testing guidance that established prioritization in testing, individuals working in agriculture are in the third tier of testing priority, behind hospitalized, and health care, congregate care, emergency services and correctional workers. Here is the full guidance:
Public Health Guidance, Personal Protective Equipment, and Supply Ordering
Face Coverings
As of May 1, the County is requiring you to wear face coverings in many public settings. The coverings help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and are part of our path to reopening San Diego. See full health order.
Agricultural fieldworkers must have the face coverings around their necks and may leave the face coverings off their faces when social distancing of 6 feet or more is occurring. The workers must put the face covering on their faces when approaching others within 6 feet.
Face coverings can be made of cloth. Homemade coverings, bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters may be used. Medical grade masks should be saved for healthcare workers. State guidelines and instructions for face coverings are below:
More details on face coverings can be found at: Face Coverings
Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticide Applicators
Due to the shortage of personal protective equipment, CDPR has compiled list of respirators and exposure controls that offer the same or better protection than what is commonly used and has also sent out guidance and tips on safety gloves. Please see the attached documents.
Acceptable PPE Alternatives-95 Mask
Disinfection for COVID-19 and Prevention Measures
Department of Environmental Health guidance on disinfection of surfaces for COVID-19 (coronavirus) in English and various other languages which can be accessed via the following link www.coronavirus-sd.com under Resources and Material. The guidance provides information on COVID-19, disinfection for COVID-19, and prevention measures.
List of Suppliers offering certain important supplies, which may be useful:
Thomas is a well-established industrial supply company, and their website has already registered over 1000 vendors offering COVID19 products, materials, or manufacturing services.
- Main Webpage: https://www.thomasnet.com/
- COVID-19 Specific: https://www.thomasnet.com/nsearch.html?cov=NA&heading=97010359&navsource=gnb
The suppliers listed have gone through a thorough vetting process to confirm legitimacy and availability of products and services.
Other Resources
US Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan Available to US Agricultural Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza announced today that agricultural businesses are now eligible for SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance programs. SBA’s EIDL portal will reopen today as a result of funding authorized by Congress through the Paycheck Protection Program and Healthcare Enhancement Act. The legislation, signed into law by the President one week ago, provided additional funding for farmers and ranchers and certain other agricultural businesses affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
DMV Licensing and Registration Updates, New Virtual Field Office
DMV has posted a news release regarding commercial driver license extensions:
While DMV offices are currently closed to the public, extended online services are now available through the DMV Virtual Field Office as well as by mail: