Establishing Parentage

If you're unmarried, ensure that your child has the same rights and access to benefits as a child born to married parents. It is easy, free, and you don't need to go to court!

Did you know there are three ways to establish parentage?

  1. Children born within the marriage
  2. Filing a Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (VDOP) form
  3. Determination of of the Court


Parentage Opportunity Program (POP)

When a child is born to unmarried parents, the child does not have the same rights or access to benefits of their relationship with each parent, as a child born to married parents.

Additionally, the father does not automatically have the legal rights of a parent and will not be named on the birth certificate. 

To establish a legal relationship between a child born to unmarried parents, there are two options:

  • sign a Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (VDOP)
  • get a court order which legally establishes parentage and pay a fee to amend the birth certificate

Visit Customer Connect to check eligibility and changes effective January 1, 2020

If you have questions, you may call our POP coordinator at 858-650-6522 or email


Genetic Testing

If paternity of the child(dren) is at issue, we provide free genetic (DNA) testing.

To obtain this free service:

Following the genetic test appointment, you will receive:

  • Notice of hearing to establish paternity and support
  • Results of the paternity test

If you do not dispute the genetic test results or the child support amount on the proposed judgment, call us today to ask us about a stipulated judgment (agreement).



Set Aside Paternity

If paternity has previously been established by order of the court and you would like the judgment set aside, please contact the Family Law Facilitator’s Office.