Vector Control Program Request for Service

Use this form to request a free rat* or mosquito inspection, or to report a green pool, a dead bird**, high mosquito activity, or other vector-related issue.

Please fill out the form below with all relevant information. When you are done, click the Submit button below. Someone from the Vector Control Program will reach out within three (3) business days to assist you. 

All contact information will be kept confidential. If you do not provide contact information, please be aware that we will not be able to provide updates on your request. 

Contact Information



Request Type

 Neglected or green pool
 Dead bird* (M-F, 8am-5pm only - see below)
 Other (please describe below)

*To report dead birds on weekends, holidays, or outside business hours, please call (858) 505-6657.


If you are reporting a mosquito problem:

 I want a technician to schedule an inspection with me at the address provided above.
 I want to report a problem in my area but do not require an individual inspection.





Problem Location

Enter address if different from address above (Street address, City, ZIP). If it is located in a public area, name and describe the general area. 


How did you hear about the Vector Control Program (VCP)?

 Have used VCP services before
 Web Search
 Brochure or Flyer
 Referred by VCP staff
 Recommended by another person


Click the "Submit" button below to send your request.

Please only click the "Submit" button once. A confirmation screen will load shortly. 

**The San Diego County Vector Control Program provides free of charge: a rat inspection on the exterior of structures, a trap station, and informational material. We are not pest control and do not trap, bait, or remove rats and mice. Rat inspections are an educational service only. The Vector Control Program does not sell or provide bait. Please check with your local home improvement/hardware or feed store regarding availability of bait.


**If reporting a dead bird on weekends, holidays, or outside business hours, please call (858) 505-6657. A guide to submitting dead birds can be found here