Traffic Control Permit

Traffic Control Permit Process

When construction interrupts the normal function of a roadway, temporary traffic control is necessary to avoid confusion and to ensure the smooth passage of traffic. It is the responsibility of those performing work on or adjacent to a public road in the unincorporated area of the County to install and maintain appropriate traffic control in accordance with an approved traffic control plan. An approved traffic control plan is necessary to provide the motoring public safe passage through the construction zone, as well as to safeguard construction workers.

After obtaining an encroachment, excavation, and/or construction permit from the County, a traffic control permit is necessary for any work on a County-maintained roadway or in the County right-of-way.  The traffic control permit application is submitted to the County Permits Counter (same location as the other permit types).

Contractors under contract with the County do not require an encroachment, excavation, and/or construction permit but still do require a traffic control permit.

Click on a link below to download the form, complete, sign & date and send to:    

County of San Diego

DPW Traffic Engineering Section

Traffic Control Permits

5510 Overland Ave, Suite 410 (MS 0332)

San Diego, CA  92123-1239

PHONE (858) 694-3863

FAX (858) 694-3928

Download permit application by clicking below link:

Traffic Control Permit Application

Traffic Control Brochure

Traffic Control Permit Submittal Checklist

Scheduled Road Closures and Traffic Controls


Roads | Traffic