Engineering Services
Deputy Director: Samir M. Nuhaily
The Engineering Services Division is one of four Divisions of the County Public Works Department. The mission of the Division includes providing a variety of professional level project management, engineering and construction contract services for roads, bridges, drainage, water, wastewater and utilities in the unincorporated area of San Diego County.
The Division is organized into three sections:

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Development
Performs engineering design services, evaluations, and project management throughout the project life cycle. Provides contract procurement services for construction contracts and consultant services.
Provides oversight and management of CIP construction projects and provides material testing services.
Wastewater Engineering and Operations
Project life cycle engineering and operation services for all County owned wastewater and potable water facilities in the unincorporated areas of the County.
Bid Opportunities - BuyNet posts Bid Opportunities and Requests for Statements of Qualifications
Emergency Contractors Rotation Page - The County of San Diego maintains a listing of pre-qualified contractors in the event emergency repairs or other types of construction are needed immediately following disasters, accidents or other events which threaten, damage, or destroy public facilities.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program - For federally funded FHWA and FAA projects the County complies with the DBE program requirements.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act - The County complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Underground Utilities Advisory Committee
DPW Land Development Division | DPW Management Services Division | DPW Transportation Division