Capital Improvement Program

Public Works has a comprehensive program for improving infrastructure within the unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego. The Capital Improvement Program consists of improvements to roads and bridges; facilities at the eight County-owned and operated airports and airstrips; flood control facilities in unincorporated developed areas; and wastewater facilities owned and operated by the County. These improvements help ensure that neighborhoods are safe for residents to live, work and play; support environments that foster viable, livable communities while bolstering economic growth; make it easier for residents to lead healthy lives while improving opportunities for children and adults; and provide equitable access to our residents.

The Capital Improvement Program Project Development Section consists of project management teams, team leaders, design engineers, utility and right of way coordinators, and a contract administration group.

The Department of Public Works Project Development Section is responsible for overall management and coordination of planning, budget, design, environmental clearance and permitting, right-of-way acquisition and utility coordination for a wide variety of capital projects, including road, bridge, flood control, drainage, airport, and wastewater projects. Funds are approved by the Board of Supervisors though a yearly Detailed Work Program. In a typical fiscal year, over 120 projects are active in various stages of completion. The Capital Improvement Program anticipated budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is over $180 million.


Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program

San Diego County Department of Public Works Design Standards

County Green Street Standard Detail Drawings

Green Infrastructure and Water Quality Improvement Projects

Featured Projects

CIP Five Year Plan

Future Improvement Fee Program FY 2023-24 (Board Policy J-25)

Bid Opportunities

Engineering Home

If you have questions or need additional information, please direct your requests to the following address:

Public Works Manager, CIP Project Development
Department of Public Works
5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 320
San Diego, CA 92123  
(858) 694-2830