Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program
The California Department of Transportation has established a Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program to help local agencies extend the life of their bridges by funding certain activities that have been pre-approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
The Engineering Services, CIP Section of the Department of Public Works is partnering with various departments and divisions in the County to secure the available funding and implement preventive maintenance on over 830 County owned roadway structures throughout the unincorporated regions of the County. Preventive maintenance treatments include replacing deteriorated expansion joint seals, sealing concrete bridge decks to reduce the amount of water infiltrating the bridge, applying protective deck overlays, and minor repairs and other measures to slow the rate of deterioration of bridge elements.
The BPMP aims to maintain the existing inventory of bridges in a
structurally safe and serviceable condition by correcting minor
structural defects and deficiencies early in a bridge’s life, rather
than waiting until a bridge has major problems requiring costly
rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement. When properly applied,
preventive maintenance is a sustainable practice that offers a
cost-effective way of extending the service life of bridges and makes
efficient use of limited funding.
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