County Maintained Roads
Roads in the County Maintained System are recorded in an official document approved by the County Board of Supervisors known as the Road Register. Please keep in mind there are many roads in San Diego County that are maintained by other agencies. Freeways and State Highways (SR 52, 76, 94, etc.) are maintained by Caltrans. There are many private roads maintained by property owners, and other public roads, such as those within incorporated cities, that are not in the County Maintained System.

Interactive GIS Map of Roads Maintained by the County of San Diego
Find out which roads in your community are maintained by DPW. Zoom to your community or search for an address using the search bar at the top right corner of the page. County Maintained Roads are highlighted in red on the map.
Road Service Request Report road-related issues such as potholes, cracks, damaged or missing signs, trash, graffiti and more or (877) 684-8000 toll Free
Index of all County Maintained Roads Maintained by the County of San Diego
Index of Non-County Maintained Road Not maintained by the County
Annual Report of County Maintained Road Mileage Tabulation (Road Register)
California Road System Index Maps (CRS Maps)
HPS Road System Maps Archived Highway Planning Survey Maps
"Z" Roads What are they and other Transportation questions
Email Contact for Road Register
DPW Road Maintenance Customer Service Telephone Numbers
County Road Stations Location Map
Permanent Road Division Zone Roads:
Additional PRD Info - Permanent Road Division webpage
Pavement Cutting Info:
Pavement Cut Policy on County Maintained Roads or call (858) 694-3850. Avoid roadway pavement cuts on newly constructed or resurfaced County Maintained Roads, schedule and coordinate with the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works.