UCCE San Diego Programs

Additional information about University of California Cooperative Extension - San Diego Programs can be found at our Cooperative Extension website
Agriculture and Plant
Find information about crops and programs for small farms
Ag Water Quality
Research & Education
Helping farmers reduce
agriculture's contribution to non-point source pollution in the
coastal watersheds of San Diego County.
Avocado, Citrus,
Minor Subtropicals & Deciduous Fruits
Find articles,
newsletters, and more on subtropical horticulture.
Coastal Resources
portal to information about preventing pollution from boats and
reducing risks of transporting invasive species on boat hulls with
links to information on San Diego's bay and beaches, coastal water
quality, aquaculture, fisheries and more from Marine Advisor Leigh
Taylor Johnson.
Fire Information
This page provides
links and information about the fires and fire-related topics.
Floriculture & Nursery
floriculture and nursery farm advisor conducts applied research,
education and outreach to improve production and viability of the
floriculture and nursery industries in San Diego and Riverside Counties.
Goldspotted Oak Borer
Provides research, education and outreach on a
species of beetle that is responsible for thousands of oak tree deaths
in San Diego County.
Home Horticulture
The Home
Horticulture Program provides horticulture and pest management
information to county residents who grow edible and ornamental plants
for their personal use.
Integrated Pest Management
Research by
Dr. Cheryl Wilen and links for integrated pest management for
ornamental plant production and maintenance.
Invasive Plants
Why we should care
about non-native plants in California's wildlands and where to go for
more information from Carl E. Bell, Regional Advisor-Invasive Plants.
Master Gardener
Master Gardener volunteers provide information
on home gardening, non-commercial horticulture and pest management.
In natural resources we deal with land, water,
air, and wildland resources, biological systems and diversity, and
environmental quality.
Nutrition, Family & Consumer
Offering opportunities for families, individuals,
and youth to enhance their quality of living by providing resources
that support independence and self-sufficiency.
School Gardens
Find out how you can
start a garden at your school. This is a fun way to teach children
about agriculture and nutrition.
Vertebrate Pest Control
Provides flexible multimedia outreach and education focused on
agricultural vertebrate pest control including pesticide application
and trapping practices of wildlife in the state of California.
Water Conservation
Beginning January
1, 2008, the County of San Diego will initiate a mandatory 30% cut
back on agricultural water usage due to drought. Learn how to do your
part here.
4-H Youth
4-H's learn-by-doing activities, youth-adult
partnerships, and research-based educational programs help young
people discover and develop to their full potential!