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Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS)
Substance abuse is a major public health and safety problem adversely impacting communities. Commonly described as “addiction,” Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are one of many chronic conditions that can inflict systemic damage on an individual and have a harmful impact on families and communities. Despite the effectiveness of numerous evidence-based treatments such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention, and medications for addictions, the number of drug-related deaths in San Diego County is significant. However, when we achieve effective treatment systems, we can improve outcomes and reverse the course with broad and meaningful community change.
The objectives of the DMC-ODS are:
- To increase the County SUD provider network capacity and offer new services to an expanded number of Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
- To increase local oversight of the SUD provider network with the goals of improved service quality and cost efficiencies.
- To ensure efficient care coordination and linkages among physical health, mental health and SUD services.
- To increase public safety through the implementation of evidence-based treatment services.
This transformative blend of new and expanded services, including more focused services for the population involved in the criminal justice system, increased program standards and oversight, and improved care coordination, will result in a full continuum of integrated services available to support individuals with SUD based on their medical needs throughout the recovery process. This action will also increase the number of people the County can serve by 30% over a three-year period, some of whom may have never experienced the benefit of treatment services.
Would you like to better understand the types of services that will be expanded? Visit our fact sheet linked below:
If you are a provider and are looking for a comprehensive list of provider trainings, please click below for:
DMC-ODS Contacts
Please view this website to best direct you to the correct contact for your question(s). In the event that you are unable to locate the answer to your question(s), please submit your question(s) to our DMC-ODS email inbox at:
Department of Health Care Services Resources
The Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) provides a continuum of care modeled after the American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria for substance use disorder treatment services, enables more local control and accountability, provides greater administrative oversight, creates utilization controls to improve care and efficient use of resources, implements evidenced based practices in substance abuse treatment, and coordinates with other systems of care.
- DHCS DMC-ODS Website
- DHCS DMC Certification Application
- DHCS ASAM Designation Application
- DHCS Medi-Cal 2020: Key Concepts for Renewal
- DHCS DMC-ODS Factsheet
- California Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration Waiver, DMC-ODS Special Terms and Conditions
ASAM Resources
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) is a professional society representing over 3,600 health practitioners in the field of addiction, which developed the most widely used and comprehensive set of guidelines for placement, continued stay and transfer/discharge of patients with addiction and co-occurring conditions referred to as the ASAM Criteria.
Contact Us
- For more information on Contracting with The County of San Diego, please click here.
- For information on DMC Certification processes, visit the DHCS Provider Enrollment Division’s online portal at