Drop-in Centers

Sunlit room at North Inland YMCA Drop-in center with couch, table, and LGTBQIA+ flag

Our Safe Place offers five Drop-in Centers throughout the county that specialize in supporting the needs of LGBTQ+ youth and their families by providing safe and affirming spaces through authentic connections, resources for equitable opportunity, and avenues for cultivating strengths.*

Drop-in Centers provide supportive services, including case management, school and employment support, support with transitioning, mentorship opportunities, and more.

Our Safe Place also offers an outpatient, community-based mental health clinic in Hillcrest. The clinic requires an appointment to begin services and offers group therapy, medication support services, case management, and crisis intervention to LGBTQ+ youth up to age 21. 

*excerpted from San Diego Youth Services Our Safe Place program description

Learn More

To see if Drop-in Centers are right for you or a loved one:

Drop-in Centers for Youth and Young Adults

Program Address and Phone Business Hours

Our Safe Place

Serving LGBTQ+ youth

YMCA North County Drop-in Center
215 Barnes St
Oceanside, CA 92054

Phone: (760) 271-4855

In-person drop-in:
12pm-4pm | Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Zoom drop-in:
12pm-4pm | Tuesday and Thursday

Our Safe Place

Serving LGBTQ+ youth

YMCA North Inland Drop-In Center
150 La Terraza Blvd
Escondido, CA 92025

Phone: (760) 271-4855

2-6pm | Monday-Friday
4pm-8pm | Saturday and Sunday

Our Safe Place

Serving LGBTQ+ youth

SBCS South Drop-in Center
746 Ada St
Chula Vista, CA 92911

Phone: (619) 628-2444

3pm-7pm | Monday-Friday
4pm-8pm | Saturday and Sunday

Services are available via phone, Zoom, and by appointment. Call program for information.

Our Safe Place

Serving LGBTQ+ youth

SDYS East Drop-in Center
Spring Valley East Community Center
3845 Spring Dr, Room 13
Spring Valley, CA 91977

Phone: (619) 525-9903

3pm-7pm | Monday-Friday
4pm-8pm | Saturday and Sunday

Evenings and weekends by appointment.

Our Safe Place

Serving LGBTQ+ youth

SDYS Central Drop-in Center
Golden Hill Youth Center
2220 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92102

Phone: (619) 972-8983

3pm-7pm | Monday-Friday
4pm-8pm | Saturday and Sunday

Evenings and weekends by appointment.

iCARE Drop-in Center

Serving youth up to age 21 who are at risk or have experienced sexual exploitation

Confidential location

Phone: (619) 993-8050

Clinic hours:
9am-6pm | Monday-Friday

Drop-in Center hours:
3pm-7pm | Monday-Friday
4pm-8pm | Saturday and Sunday

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Not sure where to start?

Call or text 9-8-8 or dial 1-888-724-7240 to speak to someone who can help find the right service for you or someone you care about. Both numbers are operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with support available in over 200 languages. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1 .