Juvenile Forensic Services

Teen boy meeting with counselor in an office

Next Move is a community-based outpatient program that provides behavioral health services to youth up to age 21 who have been involved with the justice system, inclusive of those transitioning out of juvenile detention facilities. This program also supports youth who are at risk of becoming involved with the justice system.

Depending on the need, services may include:

  • Individual, family, or group therapy
  • Substance use prevention and education
  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Medication management
  • Case management
  • Care coordination
  • Anger and conflict management resources
  • Decision-making and life skills training
  • Employment readiness
  • Other supports to help reduce future justice-involvement

Next Move is part of the Department of Health Care Services Justice-Involved Initiative Behavioral Health Link.

Community Toolkit

Expand the library of outreach materials below for community use.

Learn More

Referrals to Next Move can be made by anyone, including Probation, the Court, schools, or caregivers. For more information, call Next Move at 1-858-351-6400.

To make a referral:

  1. Call Next Move at 1-858-351-6400.
  2. Complete the referral form.
  3. Fax the referral form to 1-619-399-3724 or securely email the referral form to BHS.NextMoveProgram.HHSA@sdcounty.ca.gov.

What happens after you send in the referral:

4. Next Move will review the referral and assign a clinician within five business days from the date the referral is received.
5. The clinician will contact the referring party and set up a time to meet with the youth and caregiver.
6. If the youth is currently in a detention facility, the clinician will meet with them before their release.
7. The youth will be offered their first appointment to happen within five business days post-release.

Next Move Locations

Anyone in the county can access Next Move services at the two locations listed below. Services via telehealth or video call can also be requested. 

Region, Neighborhood of Office Location Address and Phone Business Hours
South, Southeast San Diego

Southeastern Live Well Center
5101 Market St, Ste 2100
San Diego, CA 92114

Phone: 1-858-351-6400

8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. | Monday-Friday

Evening hours available by appointment

North Coastal, Oceanside

North Coastal Live Well Health Center
1701 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92058

Phone: 1-858-351-6400

8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. | Monday-Friday

Evening hours available by appointment

Gray separation line

Not sure where to start?

Call or text 9-8-8 or dial 1-888-724-7240 to speak to someone who can help find the right service for you or someone you care about. Both numbers are operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with support available in over 200 languages. For more information visit Get Help Now or All Services. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.