Suicide Prevention Resources
The County of San Diego offers a variety of services and programs to meet people where they are and prevent and address suicide. These include resources designed for the entire community to promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma, programs tailored to groups at higher risk, and crisis response services for people with immediate needs. This page features helpful guides, training tools, prevention programs, and ways to engage with local suicide prevention efforts.
If you need help managing emotional challenges and life's daily stressors, explore the resources and tools available on the Managing Your Mental Wellness page.
Behavioral Health Services (BHS) offers many programs and
treatment options for people in need of immediate crisis support.
Refer to the Crisis
Services page for
more information on services and treatment for people of all ages.
Tailored Programs
provides support through programs tailored to specific populations
throughout the county. Expand the sections below to learn more about
each program.

LGBTQ+ Youth and Young Adults
The program below provides necessary mental health services and drop-in centers for LGBTQ+ youth up to age 21 and their families.
Our Safe Place
Our Safe Place provides clinical and supportive services to LGBTQ+ youth up to age 21 and their families through an outpatient, community-based mental health clinic located in Hillcrest, and five drop-in centers located throughout San Diego County. The clinic requires an appointment to begin services and offers group therapy, medication support services, case management, and crisis intervention. The five drop-in centers offer supportive services to LGBTQ+ youth and their families including case management, school and employment support, support with transitioning, mentorship opportunities, and more.
Military and Veterans
The program below offers supportive services to current and former service members and their families.
Courage to Call
Courage to Call provides veteran peer support, community outreach, access to resources through information and referrals, and solution-focused brief counseling to Veterans, Active Duty, Reservists, National Guard, and their families. The free, confidential, Veteran-staffed helpline can be reached at 877-698-7838 from 8am-8pm.
The programs below focus on addressing and preventing suicide among school-age children and youth. BHS offers an array of services to meet the unique needs of children and youth, you can find more programs on the Behavioral Health Services for Children, Youth, and Families page. To find out if a program is offered on your campus, explore the Live Well Schools Program Map or reach out directly to your school or district.
Creating Opportunities in Preventing & Eliminating Suicide (COPES)
The COPES initiative build the capacity of local education agencies to support school communities that champion mental wellness of students, staff, and families. COPES activites include suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention; health promotion and stigma reduction trainings and programs; and collaboration between schools and service providers.
Helping, Engaging, Reconnecting, and Educating Now (HERE Now)
HERE Now focuses on increasing awareness, promoting conversations, and inspiring connections to prevent suicide. The program provides suicide prevention and early intervention services delivered in school settings for middle and high school students, and in the community for transition age youth across the county.
Community Resources
See below for resources and ongoing efforts to prevent suicide in San Diego County.
Suicide Prevention Council
The Suicide Prevention Council (SPC) coordinates stakeholders in San Diego County to increate awareness, reduce stigma, and engage the community in action planning to prevent suicide. The SPC facilitates a regional effort dedicated to collaboratively preventing suicide and addressing the impacts on families and communities.
- Access free trainings available to help community organizations, groups, and individuals be prepared to prevent suicide.
- Become involved by attending a suicide prevention council meeting or joining a subcommittee.
- View the 2024
SPC Report to the Community to learn more about the status of
suicide and suicide prevention efforts in the County.
It's Up to Us Campaign
The It's Up to Us (IU2U) campaign is dedicated to increasing awareness of symptoms of mental illness and warning signs for suicide while inspiring mental wellness and reducing stigma. The campaign provides resources, information, and support for individuals struggling with mental health challenges, as well as their families and communities. Explore IU2U resources available for addressing mental health, suicide prevention, and substance use concerns.
- Resources for specific populations.
- Community bulletins on different mental health topics.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. During this month, organizations, schools, survivors, mental health advocates, and community members join forces to bring awareness to the topic and resources available. See 2024 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month community events that took place around San Diego.
Check Your Mood
The Check Your Mood event is held annually in October in conjunction with National Depression Screening Day. The purpose of this event is to engage and encourage San Diegans to monitor and assess their emotional well-being. Getting screened for depression is an important part of healthcare checkups, much like getting your blood pressure checked or being screened for heart disease.
- Take the online
mental health test today!
- Take the online
mental health test today!
Never a Bother
Whether it's a low point, a crisis, or something you can't quite explain, the Never a Bother campaign provides helpful information to help prevent suicide among California youth and young adults.
Community Toolkit
Expand the library of outreach materials below for community use.
It's Up to Us | Know the Signs
Recognizing the warning signs is the first step in being able to offer support to the people we care about. Check out the It’s Up to Us Suicide Prevention webpage for suicide risk factors and warning signs, and tips for what to do if you spot them.
Suicide Prevention Trainings
Know the signs and be prepared. Check out suicide prevention and mental health trainings available to you and your community.
Suicide Intervention Toolkit
Protocols, templates, and resources for school-based suicide intervention, including helpful guides for parents and students.
30-Day Mental Wellness Practice
The 30-Day Mental Wellness Practice is designed to provide you with choices so you can match self-care practices to fit your unique needs and lifestyle. Download the 30-Day Mental Wellness Practice material.
Learn More
Watch the Suicide Prevention Council press conference to hear from speakers who share their personal stories and learn more about the most recent data on suicide.

Not sure where to start?
Call or text 9-8-8 or dial 1-888-724-7240 to speak to someone who can help find the right service for you or someone you care about. Both numbers are operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with support available in over 200 languages. For more information visit Get Help Now or All Services. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.