Family Enrichment Funds

Flexible Family Supports Funding is available to support children/youth in foster care with being able to participate in desired enrichment activities or to purchase items for personal development and enhanced well-being. Funding is provided on a limited-time basis to CFWB for distribution until June 30, 2025.  

All foster youth in out of home care are eligible for the funding by submitting a request via the CFWB Youth Enrichment Funds Request Form (English, Spanish), or by asking your social worker. After reviewing the information below and completing the form, the request can be submitted, along with any proof of purchase or invoice, to Approval and money distribution can take up to 6 weeks.

A request for funding on the CFWB Youth Enrichment Funds Request Form, can be submitted on behalf of the youth by:

  • The youth
  • The assigned Social Worker
  • A supporting Social Worker (ie. Placement, IFPP, etc)
  • A caregiver
  • An FFA or STRTP representative
  • The CASA
  • A community provider who is supporting the youth in their foster care placement

Examples of extra-curricular activities and well-being items that the funding may be used for:

  • Camps during school breaks
  • Dance, music, sports, arts, etc. lessons or teams
  • Youth travel expenses for an enrichment trip
  • Culturally appropriate enhancement products not covered by foster care funds
  • Extracurricular activities through school (dances, field trips, etc)
  • Items needed in order to support the youth’s participation in any of the activities outlined above
  • Items needed to support Independent Living goals for employment, education, physical health, mental health and well-being

Note: Juvenile Court approval may be required for certain activities or items. Some items that require court approval include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel requests outside of San Diego County
  • Body altering activities or items
  • Activities with a higher risk of injury

Pre-approval of funds is required for any travel and any activities or items over $500. To inquire about a desired activity, to get pre-approval for a purchase, or to ask questions about this funding, please email

Funds can be provided:

  • Directly to a company/agency providing the service/support
  • To a caregiver as reimbursement for the purchase (if pre-approved)
  • To the youth as reimbursement for the purchase (if pre-approved)