Social Worker Support Page

What CCS Social Workers Do
Social Workers are passionate about the wellbeing of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole in an effort to meet basic needs and enhance or restore social functioning, self-determination, collective responsibility, optimal health, and overall well-being.
CCS is comprised of a multidisciplinary team which includes Human Services Specialists (HSS), Office Assistants (OA), Medical Treatment Program (MTP) Therapists, Senior Public Health Nurses (Sr. PHN) along with Social Workers (SW). Social Workers act as conduits for clients and their families to identify resources that enhance their living situations, minimize obstacles, and gain greater insight of their medical conditions. As an advocate for clients, Social Workers often assess CCS youth’s emotional and social needs are being met as they transition into advancing ages and stages of development.
We support clients by providing information, referrals, and access to social service resources including but not limited to transportation, housing, mental health, educational programs.
A large portion of our time is dedicated to Transition Planning Assessment services to CCS youth ages 14-21. Our mission is to assist young adults as they maximize their independence on the transition to the adult medical system. We identify community partners to support and provide resources in the areas of education, employment, legal, and/or financial as CCS concludes services for youth who advance to 21 years of age.