CalFresh Healthy Living: Learning

CalFresh Healthy Living works with qualified Early Care and Education (ECE) and childcare settings, before- and after-school care, and K-12 schools to increase access to healthy food, nutrition standards, and daily quality physical activity.
Activities and Strategies
Early Childhood Education
Train ECE providers to become Health and Wellness Champion Providers.
Train ECE providers to provide nutrition education and active living information.
K-12 Schools
Improve School Wellness Policies.
Conduct Nutrition Education.
Improve the quality of Physical Education and Activity.
Nutrition Education in Schools
The CalFresh Healthy Living team works to accomplish the following goals:
Implement and connect school nutrition education interventions with low-income schools.
Build teacher capacity in schools through train-the-trainer models.
Offer funding and support for school gardens.
Provide assistance for wellness committees, wellness policies, and healthy school environments.
Offer technical support, staffing, and materials for health-related events.
CalFresh Healthy Living work aligns with the following wellness policy areas: food and nutrition, physical activity, health education, staff wellness, and family and community involvement in wellness..
The videos below were created by the CalFresh Healthy Living Program, using state curriculum.
Program Successes

CalFresh Healthy Living partnered with San Diego Rescue Mission to offer a hands-on healthy living and nutrition education series as a required course in the Mission’s Academy program for shelter residents. Learn more here.

CalFresh Healthy Living partnered with San Diego Unified School District to implement the “Increasing Movement through Physical Activity in Class Time” program in 60 San Diego schools, engaging and improving students’ health and fitness. Learn more here.

CalFresh Healthy Living staff and Community Health Workers used stencil designs to paint fun and educational activities on the playground at Carson Elementary STEAM Magnet School. Activities such as hopscotch feature fun colors and information about nutrition and physical activity. Learn more here.
Additional Resources
Using community partnerships to address student health issues and offering “Tools for Schools,” a searchable resource database to help schools meet short-term needs and create long-term plans.
San Diego County
Childhood Obesity Initiative
Reducing and preventing childhood obesity through policy, systems, and environmental changes.

California Department of Education Nutrition Services Program
News and information about nutrition education and meal programs, including school and summer meal programs.

California Department of Education School Wellness Policy
Information regarding the 2016 Local School Wellness Policy requirements, background, compliance, training, resources, and policy guidance, for Local Educational Agencies.

California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative
Bringing together state leaders, school communities, and stakeholders to implement highly effective local school wellness policies in California schools to support student health and academic achievement.
Includes information about the National School Lunch Program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program.
Webpage last updated 10/28/24.