CureTB Referral Services
CureTB's referral services and processes vary by country.
Active (Verified and Probable) TB Cases (All Countries)

- CureTB refers patients with active (verified and probable) TB to the public health system at their destination in any country outside the United States.
- CureTB sends clinical information with the referral and follows up with the receiving program for treatment outcomes.
NOTE: CureTB does not routinely offer referrals if a patient requires fewer than 30 days to complete treatment after leaving the United States.
Complete the CureTB Transnational Notification form for active TB case referrals.
Clinical History Request (Mexico and Central America)

- CureTB can obtain information about your patient’s TB treatment history from public health or private providers in Mexico and Central America.
NOTE: Cultures and drug susceptibility testing are not routinely performed in Mexico and Central America.
Complete the CureTB Transnational Notification form for case history requests.
Contact Notification (Mexico)

- CureTB notifies Mexican public health authorities for patients diagnosed with TB in the United States who have contacts in Mexico.
- CureTB refers contacts who are under 5 years of age or immunocompromised and relocate to Mexico after being identified in the United States to Mexican public health authorities.
Complete the CureTB Contact/Source Investigation Notification form for contact notifications to Mexico.
Source Case Finding (Mexico)

- When a patient with active TB in the United States reports being exposed to a specific person with TB symptoms in Mexico, CureTB can alert Mexican public health authorities to help prevent further spread.
- CureTB prioritizes locating sources for children under 5 years of age with TB.
Complete the CureTB Contact/Source Investigation Notification form for source case finding in Mexico.
Tips for a Successful Referral
- Refer early. Don’t wait until your patient leaves to call CureTB. It is ideal if one of our staff can speak to your patients before they leave.
- Provide complete laboratory, clinical and treatment information so we can assure the receiving provider is well informed. We will follow-up with your program if important clinical information is pending at the time of referral (eg drug susceptibility testing results)
- Ask your patient for at least two people who will always know where they are and get their best contact information (phone, address, e-mail, etc.) We will also review this with your patients.

Step 1: Patient referral to CureTB
Step 2: Interview patient - verify locating information
Step 3: Refer patient to receiving jurisdiction
Step 4: Follow-up
Step 5: Final treatment outcome to referring agency