HIV, STD and Hepatitis Branch
Consent and Confidentiality
- Minor Consent For STD Clinical Services
- Patient Confidentiality
- Full List Of STD-Related Regulations
Minor Consent for STD Clinical Services
Under California law,* minors aged 12 years or older may consent to medical care for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and for medical services for the prevention of sexually transmitted disease, including vaccines to prevent hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV), and medications to prevent HIV infection (PrEP and PEP).
- Parental consent is not required for these services.
- Parental notification of these services or test results is not allowed.
- The minor’s parents or guardian(s)
are not liable for payment for medical care that is provided
under this section.
*California Family Code 6926, California Code of Regulations Title 17 § 5151 and Chapter 652, Statutes of 2011.
Resources for Providers
Consent, Confidentiality, and Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
in California (National Center for Youth Law)
Minor Consent and Confidentiality Laws: Quick Reference
Grid (National Center for Youth Law)
Sexual Intercourse with a Minor Must Be Reported as Child Abuse:
California Law (National Center for Youth Law)
Resources for Youth
- Teen Legal Guide To Sex, Pregnancy, And Parenting (National Center for Youth Law)
Patient Confidentiality
By law, your protected personal and health information is confidential and is not shared with outside non-public health agencies without your written permission. Maintaining the confidentiality of your protected information is something that we take very seriously. Detailed information about state and federal laws and regulations related to client confidentiality and your rights as a consumer is available through the County of San Diego Compliance Office.
In order to maintain your privacy, you will receive a visit number when you register at any of the STD clinics. Clinic staff will call you only by this number and will not call you by name in public areas or other places where people (other than those who are directly involved in your care) may hear. The Notice of Privacy Practices provides additional information regarding how we work to protect your personal and health information.
For more information, phone
619-293-4700 or
send us an email.
Last updated July 5, 2018.