DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise specified, the HIV Planning Group does not maintain nor is it responsible for the content of any of the outside sites linked to our Web pages. Inclusion of a Web site address in our list of “links” does not indicate endorsement.
Ryan White service agencies welcome your comments and appreciate the use of their grievance procedures.
All clients are encouraged to use the grievance procedures at the
agency where the service was received. If the client is unable to use
the agency’s grievance procedure for any reason, then the following
service evaluation form is used:
- Client Services Evaluation (English)
- Evaluación de Servicio al Cliente (Spanish)

In January 2022, the HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Branch (HSHB) of Public
Health Services launched a project to create a mobile application to
increase access to free, multilingual, HIV related resource
information in San Diego County.
The County of San Diego Getting to Zero (GTZ) Mobile
Application is intended for San Diego County residents, persons
living with or at-risk of contracting HIV, and organizations and
individuals involved in HIV related work.
App users can connect to resources across San Diego Countty from any mobile decide! Users can search by location, language, services offered, transportation routes, and much more.
You can help end the HIV epidemic! Get connected to HIV prevention, treatment, and supportive services in San Diego County through the SD Getting to Zero app! Scan the QR code on this page or visit the following links to download the app:
✉️ For any questions, please send an email to HIV Planning Group Support at