Established in 1990, the Tobacco Control Resource Program (TCRP) leads the County’s efforts to address tobacco use, the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. In San Diego County, 3,997 deaths were attributable to smoking-related causes (2017 Smoking-Attributable Mortality). The TCRP resides within the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Public Health Services.

The TCRP was made possible by the passage of Proposition 99 in 1988, which established a 25 cent per pack tax on cigarettes. TCRP has since been supported by Proposition 56 funding, another voter initiative passed overwhelming by California voters in 2016. Part of these tobacco tax monies is directed toward statewide health education to inform Californians about the health hazards of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke. Following the California Department of Public Health, Tobacco Control Program guidelines, TCRP and community partners work to:

  • Reduce tobacco promoting influences;
  • Reduce exposure to secondhand smoke;
  • Reduce access to tobacco products; and
  • Promote tobacco cessation.

California is the national leader in the campaign to address the threat of tobacco. TCRP is a part of this effort and promotes the use of trusted resources accessible through additional web sites. They provide valuable tools to meet the national objective defined in Healthy People 2020, "To reduce illness, disability, and death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure."  These efforts support the County of San Diego’s current comprehensive chronic disease prevention approaches, which are collectively referred to as Healthy Works.

The County of San Diego HHSA is working with the following local contracted partners to implement the TCRP:

To learn more about local tobacco control efforts, contact us at


Website last updated 6/21/2020.