TCRP Coalition


The San Diego County Tobacco Control Coalition's (TCC) mission is to improve and protect the health of San Diegans by promoting smoke/tobacco-free lifestyles and environments. TCC is committed to assisting tobacco users in quitting, encouraging individuals to refrain from using tobacco products, and supporting the establishment of smoke/tobacco-free policies.

Role of the Coalition

TCC's role is to provide members with a forum for training, capacity building and information exchange. TCC develops and coordinates tobacco control activities in San Diego County while creating an atmosphere conducive to agency collaboration. It provides a united voice to respond to the tobacco industry and generates public support for efforts related to tobacco control education issues.

Functions of the Coalition Members

Coalition members provide advice on the development and implementation of the Local Lead Agency's (Tobacco Control Resource Program's) comprehensive tobacco control plan. Members participate in cooperative planning and development while acting as advocates for tobacco control activities in their communities. TCC membership includes all agencies with an interest in addressing, supporting, promoting, and facilitating tobacco education/control efforts.

Meeting Schedule

TCC meetings are held at 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. on the second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October.

To become a member of the TCC or for more information such as meeting location, contact us at 619-692-5692 or


Website last updated 6/21/2020.