TB Statistics

The County of San Diego TB control program conducts public health surveillance for new active TB diagnoses. Data highlights from this system and links to similar data at the state, national and global levels are provided below.

Number and incidence of new active TB diagnoses, San Diego County, 2015-2024

TB Cases and Rates Bar Graph

During 2015-2019, the average annual number of people reported with TB was 244. The annual total decreased to 193 in 2020, likely due to multiple pandemic related factors. After smaller increases in 2021 and 2022, the total returned to the pre-pandemic level in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, a total of 247 people received a new diagnosis of active TB in San Diego County, a 2% increase compared to 242 in 2023. This marks the fourth consecutive year of rising TB diagnoses since 2021.  

Active TB incidence by zip code, San Diego County, 2019-2023

TB Cases and Rates Bar Graph

The highest numbers of TB diagnoses and incident rates occur in the South and Central regions of the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency.


Fact Sheets

State, National & Global Statistics


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San Diego County TB Elimination Initative.


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