
County Refugee Support Services

The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affair’s Refugee Support Services, formally known as the Refugee Employment Services, administers the Health and Human Services Agency’s refugee employment and support services through a network of contracted services providers that support newly arriving refugee families’ goal of economic self-sufficiency.

All services provided are employment related to lead to job placement and retention.



Provider(s) / Location(s)

Welfare To Work (WTW)

  • Employment Services staff determine eligibility to participate in RES
  • Creates family self-sufficiency plan, job club, career assessment, job search, on the job training, resume and interview skill building
  • Supportive services are provided (Child Care, Transportation, and Ancillary) through WTW while client is eligible to Cal/WORKs

Central, East, and South Regions

Public Consulting Group, Inc.


North Regions


Elder-Multicultural Access and Support Services (EMASS)

Older refugee focused program which provides:

  • Education and advocacy
  • Peer mentoring support
  • Social and recreational activities
  • Assistance with and referrals to social service needs
  • Acculturation and reduction of isolation


Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC)



Vocational English-As-A-Second Language (VESL)

  • Language skills and employment focused
  • Support refugee families in acquiring necessary skills to obtain a job as quickly as possible
  • Develop plans to upgrade employment for more hours, better pay and benefits
  • Assist employment self-sufficiency

East and Central Regions

International Rescue Committee, Inc. (IRC)


Work Readiness Exchange (WRE)

  • Teach participants conflict management strategies, communication skills and job-related life skills
  • Provide quality habits to be a good employee
  • Build the capacity in the refugee community to reduce conflict 
  • Avoid violence and create a healthy community

East and Central Regions

National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC)


Community-based organizations interested in contract opportunities are encouraged to register with the County of San Diego’s Procurement System, BuyNet.