Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention and Program Integrity/Administrative Disqualification

The County of San Diego has a zero tolerance policy for fraud in public assistance programs. In order to preserve program integrity, the County strives to ensure that applicants and recipients receive the benefits to which they are eligible. The County requires that all applicants and recipients sign paperwork under penalty of perjury. In addition, the County matches applicant and recipient information on a variety of computer databases such as:

  • Franchise Tax Board
  • Employment Development Department
  • Social Security Administration
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Immigration and Naturalization Service
  • Statewide Public Assistance Databases
  • Federal, State and County Correctional Facilities

This section performs specialized functions involving fraud prevention and program integrity activities including:

  • Review of Federal and State income tax and asset matches
  • Work closely with the Bureau of Public Assistance Investigations and the California Department of Health Care Services Investigations to assist in researching and preparing cases for prosecution of fraudulent overpayments
  • Statistical and overpayment disqualification and Intentional Program Violation penalties resulting from administrative hearings and criminal convictions.


If you or someone you know would like to report public assistance fraud, he/she may call the Fraud Hot Line at (800) 421-2252.