CalFresh Eligibility Requirements

When you apply for CalFresh you must include all the people who live in your home that purchase and prepare food with you.
There are some people who live in your home that are required to be included on your CalFresh application even if they do not purchase and prepare food with you, such as:
- Parents and their children who are under 22 years old
- Spouses
- Adults with care and control of minors that live in their home
All the individuals required to be on your CalFresh application are called the CalFresh household.
Below are some of the basic CalFresh rules:
To apply for CalFresh in San Diego County, you must be a resident of the county. If you do not have a home or a mailing address you can still get CalFresh as long as you are a San Diego resident.
The identity of the person applying for CalFresh must be verified. If you do not have a picture ID, the County can use other documents such as a paycheck, phone or electric bill, school ID, or birth certificate.
Citizenship Status
You do not need to be a United States citizen to get CalFresh. Many non-citizens who live in the U.S. may qualify to get CalFresh.
Social Security Numbers
All people applying for CalFresh must provide a Social Security Number (SSN) or provide verification they have applied for one. Anyone who does not have an SSN or has not applied for one is not eligible to CalFresh. People that are not eligible to CalFresh do not need a SSN and are not required to apply for a SSN.
Property Limits
For most households, property such as homes, land, and bank accounts are not counted for CalFresh.
Households need to have gross monthly income of less than or equal to the current limit to be eligible for CalFresh.
Gross income is all the income a household receives before taxes. Examples of gross income are:
- Earnings
- Tips
- Cash gifts
- Retirement income
- Disability income
- Interest
See the CalFresh Income Limits chart.
Some expenses may be used to lower a household's gross income. Examples of expenses are:
- Housing
- Gas and electric, phone, water
- Childcare
- Medical
- Court-ordered child support paid
All households will get a 20% deduction from their earned income and a standard income deduction. The amount of the standard deduction will be based on how many people are in the household.
Work Rules
Most adults age 18 to 50, who do not have a child in the home, must register to work or work at least 20 hours per week, or an average of 80 hours per month, to get CalFresh.
If you have any questions, call Access toll-free at 1-866-262-9881.