
The COC Demonstration Garden is operated and maintained by the Master Gardener Association of San Diego County. Learn more about the Master Gardeners by visiting their website here

About the Demonstration Garden

Working collaboratively with external stakeholders, the Food System Initiative (FSI) set its sights on developing a demonstration garden on a County property to inspire and empower people to join a local community garden or create a small garden at home, and to help them access local, fresh, and healthy produce. This 400 square-foot Demonstration Garden was designed in collaboration with the Master Gardeners Association of San Diego County and the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). UCCE’s locally based experts bring practical, science-based answers to Californians on topics such as integrated pest management, nutrition, and agricultural economics.

The 20 x 20 working garden, celebrated by our elected leaders, teaches visitors and thousands of County employees about growing healthy fruit and vegetables in small spaces such as patio or backyard gardens. It is located in a highly visible location where thousands of employees work, and County customers conduct business, allowing our onsite volunteer gardeners the chance to answer questions and proactively promote learning.

FSI invites all residents to take a walk through the garden and learn about our seasonal produce and sustainability measures!


Visit the Agriculture, Weights and Measures Interactive Lobby Exhibit! 


What’s all the buzz about? Visit the Agriculture, Weights & Measures lobby for an interactive entomology experience. Peer through the microscope for a closer look at some of San Diego County’s beneficial pollinators and invasive pests. Come face to face with an insect in the living terrarium, and learn what steps you can take to protect our agricultural community. Learn more here!